See the captions for:
2001:November December

2002: January February March April May June July August
September October November December

2003 January
February March April May June July August September October November December

2004 January Feb-March April May June-December

2005 January February March-April May June July Aug-Sept

2006 Thru February May Thru December

2007 Thru June

2009 2009 captions

Indy's Caption Contest

Welcome to the all-new Indy's Caption Contest! The contest has been a a popular part of Rangerphile fun over the years and I'm pleased to keep the tradition going.

Each time, we'll have a new screenshot from the CDRR series, complete with caption bubbles, and your job, brave Captioneer, is to fill it in! I'll select a winner, and their caption will appear in the picture on this cool-looking page. I'll also selected a top ten submissions for each caption, providing my own insightful comments on each one.

Feel free to review the gallery of past winners--there's a lot of laughs and fun in there. You'll also find the last few weeks' worth of captions on the main page, in the form of pop-up thumbnails, including the current week's edition. All is ready for your creative pleasure, so be captionistic and show the world you have the talent to be a top Captioneer!

Captions appear courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures and are used without permission but with utmost respect