Monty: "How did she ever talk me into being the power for this bloomin' thing?!"
Greyhound Bux - Ah, so THAT's how she talked him into it...
Monty: Are you sure this foot-powered cheese maker-matic of yours works Gadget?!
Jazz - Things the Rangers Did After the Show #9145: Reinventing roles...
Monty: If I don't loose some weight they'll give the part of Bill the Butcher to someone else; 'Gangs of New York' wouldn't be the same without me...
Cyber Daimyo - Um, if he's 200 pounds, then we've been seeing the episodes WAY out of proportion ;-)...BR>
Monty: Hey, mateys, wait up for me, will ya? I'm a 200+ pound mouse who can't take the heat from that Jane Fonda exercise routine.
Stitch - Nothing like a little Dean Martin and cheddar breath in the moonlight...
Things they did after the show: 'Monty's Romantic Foot-Pedaled Flights For Two.'
Monty: "When the *huff huff* moon hits yer eye *huff haff* like a big pizza pie... *wheeeeze* that's amorrrre..."
Karl - Whoa, didn't see this coming, but I've got to agree with it...
Monty: Just think, one push on this detonator and no more Fat Cat. Anticlimactic, don't ya think?
Hogun the Grim - Well, energy prices have been running higher these days...
Monty: Um, Gadget luv, about this new 'eco-friendly' Ranger Plane idea of yours....
MegaDale - Well, that's what comes from too much thinking...
Monty:(huff)Next time I come up with a exercise plan just shove a wedge of brie in my face to shut me up, okay?
Loneheart - A screenshot from the unaired "Secret of NIMH 3: The Power of the Cheese Stone"
Monty: Thorn Valley ethics are great for Thorn Valley, but do we have to make ALL our electricity this way from now on?
The J.A.M. - Number 8 of the top 100 questions you never want to hear but do anyway...
Monty: Are we there yet?
Zipper - Ah yes--that was when Monty tried out for the Liquidator role on DarkWing...kept losing his concentration whenever a cheese vendor went by...
Monty: Feel a little deflated? Try New 'Captions'
Mole204 - The voice of experience in action...
Monty: Why do I have a feeling that this trail of nutshells and machine parts will lead back to the HQ?
Cobra Reviewer - I had no idea Monty was such a fan of Ricardo Montalban...
Monty: No, no you can't get away! From hell's heart I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee..