Cobra Reviewer - Of course, you realize what this means--Tammy clones...
Chip: What is she...........
Gadget: The new Borg design works great, Resistance is Futile.
Jazz - He has been assimilated...BR>
Gadget: I hope RoboChip is to your liking...
Karl - Oh, so that's what she's been up to in the workshop...
Gadget: Eureka! Chipmunk pheromones have no effect on mice!"
Chip: (unprintable stream of chipmunk curses)
Loneheart - Repeat after me, Chip: Read--the--signature...
Chip: The love letter proposing marriage was from TAMMY?!?!
Gadget: I helped her find the right words... I'm so glad I could help you both find each other!
KS - Things the Rangers Did After the Series #4123: Ranger Toys...
Gadget: Wacky inventions nothing! The real money's in custom made inflatable dolls!
Tammy: Thank you, Gadget! *puff-puff* Needs more air... *puff-puff*
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Screenshot from the unaired episode, "Ranger Wars Episode II: Attack of the Gadget Clones"...
CHIP: Gadget, do something!
LAWHINIE: Oh, but I'm Lawhinie. Gadget's off ... um ... somewhere in China I think... Anyway, I'm going out with Palpatine right now, so toodles!
lotacats - It's not what you say...
Gadget: Keep doing this so we can get an idea about the severity of her deafness.
Dale: If she doesn't reply, YOU move about five feet closer and say it again. But, hurry!
JPesterfield - Uh oh--Chip's about to become a "Slave to Teen Fashion"...
Chip: Gadget!
Gadget: And you all thought Foxglove was the vampire.
Cyber Daimyo - This week's winner of the "Best Job of Sucking Up to the Boss" award...
Chip: Hey, Gadget, tell Tammy to get off my case!!
Gadget: Sorry, Chip, but Dale is my new boyfriend now, so Tammy is your new girlfriend.
Ronnie Rabbit - He sure has power over her...or it is the other way around...
GADGET: Behold the power of /Chip/!
CHIP: It's CHEESE, Gadget, the commercial is 'behold the power of cheese!'
GADGET: Well, yes, but Monty's not IN this picture. We make do!
Stitch - Yeah, that would definitely qualify...
Gadget: "Gee, you're right, Dale, that is your scariest Halloween costume ever."
'Tammy': "Mwah!"
Mole204 - Well, of course I was torturing you with this caption...