Week 94 Winner - Mole204
MegaDale - Well, she said she wanted to see something big and red...
Gadget: Get out of the way Dale, all I can see is up your nose with this thing!
Chip Chap - Words you never want to hear Gadget say...
Gadget: Ummm... either there is a really nasty smudge on this thing or we're going to be in a world of hurt in a few moments...
Jazz - Things the Rangers Did After the Show #7933: Gadget's tryout for the remake of "The Fugitive"...
Gadget: ...and those police thought I was a spy. Look at them laughing, laugh while you can cops becuase this ends soon... BWA HA HA HA - HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Phoenix Audubon - Rescue Rangers: Behind the Scenes. Installment #23--Gadget taking the motto "We Never Sleep" a little too seriously...
Gadget: Are you sure you don't want to watch for crime with me, Dale? So what if the "Late Late Late Show" is over--you can grab another scope and look through that other window!
KS - The week that Chip agreed to help Tammy study for her English finals...
Gadget: So that's what Chip and Tammy are doing in his room together! Dale owes me a soda! That chipmunk has such a filthy mind.
Schroeder - Geniuses are proberially messy, but sometimes that can be hazardous...
Gadget: Aw darn it, why'd I hafta trip head first into that electron microscope...ohhhhh, ooh..."
wayc - Inventor's elitism...how gauche...
Gadget: Our new neighbor's nuclear generator is SOOOOOOOO tacky and outdated! Pfftch.
Dumpster Side - Sounds like Dale's watched the panty raid episode of "Happy Days" again...
Gadget: Oh great. Dale's going through my dresser again.
Stitch - An off-camera moment from "Piratsy Under the Seas"...
Gadget: Arrrgh, it's Bluto and his gang of swabs, uk-uk-uk!"
CD - Now that, I think, is the sad truth of the matter...
Gadget: Nothing is private!
Karl - I think she's getting a little desperate here...
Gadget: OK, one more try! THIS time those eye-drops are going into my EYES, not down my cheeks!
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Well, one must weigh things in proportion...
GADGET: You ask me what I see, Chip? Oh, nothing, just a quater of a million Uruk-Hai rampaging straight toward us, that's all. It's not like they're salesmen, you know...
Greyhound Bus - Oh well, you did leave me with one I could use...
Gadget: Hey Chip, I can see the police station from here!!!
Loneheart - Loney, Loney. Shame on thee...
Gadget: Just testing my new invention...by seeing if it can see into the boy's shower
Cyber Daimyo - This week's winner of "The Pointless Plug" award...
Gadget: Huh? What's this? It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Sabrina, The Teenage Witch!!