Week 73 Winner - Loki
Mole204 - Finally, a Great Carsoni parody!
Gadget: My accountant, Sad@m Hu$ain, and Tammy's date. Name three things that are on the run...
8-Bit Star - One of the Great Unanswered Questions...
Gadget: All my boyfriends really just want to know what I keep hidden in there (giggle).
Obi Wan Maplewood - Well okay, strike that Great Unanswered Question then. She's been inventing again...
GADGET: Golly, just a touch with my finger and my hair goes from sandy blonde to light brown. I guess I don't know my own strength!
Cyber Daimyo - Hmm...where's the samurai warrior reference? Oh, you didn't do one this week? Top five!
Gadget: Hi, my name is Gadget Hackwrench. I'm a 27-year-old genius mouse who has a very powerful mind of a wise man named Albert Einstein and a very powerful intelligence of Ben Stein.
Zipper - Things the Rangers did after the series was over #114: "The Little Miss Genius Show", starring Gadget Hackwrench ...
Gadget: Hello Boys and Girls. Today were going to learn where that left-over bolt goes to!
The J.A.M. - Things the Rangers did after the series #343: "Sesame Street"...
Gadget: Head
MegaDale - Things the Rangers did after the series #775: "The Larry King Show" interview...
Gadget: Oh I don't get migraines anymore, not since I learned to keep my door shut and soundproof my walls while the boys are fighting over me.
Chip Chap - Things the Rangers did after the series #2053: Public Service Announcements
Hello, I'm Gadget Hackwrench and I'm here to talk to you about the dangers of joy-induced facial paralysis...
Loki - Things the Rangers did after the series #3443: The Pennzoil Commercial ...
GADGET: Hi folks! Today I've replaced Chip and Dale's coffe with 30-weight motor oil**! Let's see if they notice . . .
**Never, ever drink motor oil. It is bad for you.
CD - I don't think ANY of us have figured out her hair color...
Gadget: See? Disney can't figure out the color of my hair. Now I'm a brunette all of a sudden!
wayc - This would make sense only to Gadget...did you hear two chipmunks crying somewhere?
Gadget: Golly, I know how we can settle this! Dale, you can date my appearance and personality, while you go out with my intelligence Chip!
Rennod - Did you hear a high-voltage capacitor in the background?
GADGET: Those chipmunks have been bugging me for years...and now I've got just the plan to make 'em stop!
JPesterfield - Two cliches at once? Whoa...
Gadget: Missed by that much, well it should work this time.
Karl - Oh, so that's why we haven't seen the munks in a while...
Gadget: A wig like this was worth shaving a couple of chipmunks, I say!
Chip - AndinamomentIbetGadgetwillrealizehermistake, she'llrealizethatshe's notontheSpeedRacershow...
Gadget: And I have the blueprints of the Mach 5 right here in my head. Wait, wrong TV show.
lotacats - Wow, that's totally deep...
Gadget: An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind. But a brain for a brain wouldn't do a thing to change Dale.