Week 67 Winner - KS
Danbole Ronin - Now that's a slick caption...
Su Lin: Phew! Something's smelly in here. Smells like a pile of banana peeeeeeeelllll *thud*
Cyber Daimyo - Now that's a scary thought...
Su Lin: YIKES! A Fat Cat monk in a pot!
CD - Whoops...
SomeGhol - Oh, cruel reality check...
Su-lin: You, you mean we're NOT on any world map that you can find??
MegaDale - Su Lin meets her match...
Su lin:HEY!? Who called Bob Vila? I didn't want the people from 'Home again' to renovate my house!
Painless Doc Johnson - The scary part is that they'd *have* a prophecy about ruining his argyle sweaters...
Su-Lin: The prohecy has been fulfilled! Someone's ruined all of my brother's argile sweaters!
Karl - Oops--one of the munks ran the wrong way...
Su-Lin: "Iiiieeeee! Something furry - with claws! - ran up my leg!"
Charity - Well, it's her own fault, probably...
Su Lin - I said WHAT in the dub?!?
RedSwift - Nope, I don't believe it's a Medusa Head either...
Su-Lin: AAAHHH, who put a medusa head on my statue!!
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Actually, I thought Jocasta-Nu was a little arrogant anyway...
Su Lin: AAAAAHH!!! Look what the "Clone War" cartoons animators did to my hair!!!
Mole204 - Oh, rental fees...
Su Lin: You spent WHAT? Why didn't you just rent the tape like a normal person?