Week 54 Winner - KS
8-Bit Star - This Week's Winner of "The Number One Reason Sparky Isn't a Comedian" Award...
SPARKY: "hehehhahahah! I know I did something funny, can't quite
remember what..."
MegaDale - No, I wouldn't trust him either...
Sparky: Yes Gadget I promise not to peek while you slip into something more comfortable.
Q - Oh, this is heavy...
Sparky: Great Scott!! 1.21 Gigawatts? Wanna see my flux capacator?
Rennod - Maybe he had been playing dumb...
SPARKY: "Wow! I've been blinded by your beauty!"
CD - He couldn't be cheating, could he...
Sparky: This is a great game, too bad you couldn't get us a real blindfold.
Loneheart - This Week's Winner of "The Caption Most Like To Resemble an Infomercial"...
Sparky: Too-Ra-Lee! Thanks to that shave, crash diet, hair cut, hair dye and corespondance PHD course, I finally plucked up the courage to ask Gadgetluv 'ere to marry me - And she said YES, fellas!
Robert Knaus - Can't wait to hear the rest of the story on this one...
SPARKY: So...you want me to shock you for the benefit of an experiment? Well, okay...
John Pesterfield - Ah, so THAT'S her secret weapon!
Sparky: She blinded me with science, why didn't she give me some goggles?
Random Extra - Is a puzzlement (hi there, newbie!)...
Sparky: "Shall....we....DANCE? one-two-three-AND!"
Jean-Luc Hackwrench - Chip, you sly boy...
CHIP: Now that Sparky and I have switched bodies, there's no doubt that we can have children! Gadget Hackwrench, will you marry me?
Zipper - I can see he'll never get her to cook another dinner for him...
Sparky: Hmmm... This is a hard one. Oily, furry, smells like burnt circuits and WD-40. Must be Gadgets hand... or that last meal she made.
Karl - So innocent, so trusting...
"Stand here with my eyes closed? Sure, why not?"
wetskunk - It never fails--someone manages to baffle me with one each week...
Sparky: Let me get this straight. The rest of the Rangers has mysteriously vanished, and your voice has changed, and... What almond tea? For me? Thanks
Kongo - Oh well, that's the price you pay for progress..
S: Oh don't blame yourself Gadget, anyone could have miscalculated the degree of intensity of the omega ray. I'm sure my sight will return in no time.