Week 180 Winner - CCC
#1 CCC - How To Survive Monty's Slide Show "400 Cheeses of the World"...
Monty: ...an' this is a piece of Brie '86 that oi took a picture of in France. An' 'ere we 'ave a photo o' some British cheddar... you alroight there, Chipper?
Chip (thinking): Er - think I've got something in my eye - just a moment... Just a moment longer and I'll have this fake wide-open eye stuck on again... I'm glad Gadget's, Zipper's and Dale's really did work with no problems...
Dale: *snore*
#2 CrashBurn - 1.5 seconds before Gadget runs from the room, screaming, "Someone's filming my life!"...
Gadget: Hey guys, is that a camera?
Chip: "Sigh" Yes...
Dale: For the umpteenth time Gadget, were on a cartoon show.
Monty: Hmm... And from the looks of it, it'll be was...
#3 Loneheart - Women's memories are long and accurate...
Dale: Tammy, Chip said he'd give you one date when you turned 21 if you left him alone, but that was five years ago! You didn't have to knock him a clear six inches for forgetting to show up!
#4 Alain - This week's winner of the "Rangers Worst Case Scenario" award...
*Watching the new Bonkers feature animation movie, to be released worldwide in 2008*
Dale: This cartoon... It's too much, even for me.
#5 WildIrishRose - Okay, maybe I awarded it a little soon...
The NEW Rescue Rangers
Dale: Holy COW!! They've written Mary Sues into the new episodes and recast us all!! Is um Lawhinie playing Gadget?
Chip: Can't...look....Monty change the channel!
Monty: I'm tryin' but the remote won't work.
Gadget: You mean we're stuck watching this??!
#6 Midnight Man - They really should leave that Discovery Channel alone....
Zipper: Oh my gosh!
Gadget: Golly, what's he doing with the crocodile there? Isn't that dangerous?
Chip: Sorry, but that's too much for me. Even if he's a human.
Dale: Monty, will you please switch to another channel? That countryman of yours is scarin' my best friend!
Monty: Okay, okay, pally, it's another borin' re-run anyway. Nothin' I 'aven't seen a 'undred times before. An' nothin' I 'aven't done a 'undred times before.
#7 Racebest - It's not going to be pretty...
4:30am wake up call...
Dale: GUYS! WAKE UP!! Look what's on the Early Early Early show!
TV: ...experts say the bomb igniter has been misplaced recently...
Monty: I wonder what this button does.
#8 Lilacstarprint - The dark side of Starbucks customers...
Dale's thoughts; T-T-twenty five days, 10 hours and 8.9 seconds without a drop of caffine. Chip's crashed. Gadget's a Zombie.... Monty th-th-thinks he's got us all beat. Bu-But I'll show him ....ehehehe..hehehe...he..hehe....
#9 pupspals - Evidently they didn't get the memo...
Gadget: So what's the bad news from Disney, Chip? Chip?
Dale: Our show... where is it? Why's TaleSpin in our timeslot?! Why aren't we in the ads?
Monty: Wonder what else is on?
#10 Scifly - Just another moment of sudden realization...in the Twilight Zone...
Dale: Why do I get the feeling the kids on this show are watching us instead of the other way around?
Hondo I Sackett - I'm not too partial to them myself...
Dale: I hate it when they feed the snakes!
Sajuuk Hackwrench - The question is what dirt does she have on him...
*Watching pictures of the last Hawaii trip*
Dale: G-g-golly! I never knew that Chip has a picture of Lhawini walking around topless???
Mayhem - Sometimes it's best to just leave those old home movies in the vault...
Dale: That's not what I expected when you wanted to show us your folks' home movies Monty!
CD - And once again the Discovery Channel sets all thoughts of matrimony back another five years...
Gadget: Is this why dad never let me watch the Discovery Channel?
Chip: Abominable warthogs...no......I don't wanna see it!
Dale: Monty, are these the 'birds and the bees'?
Monty: Blimey, why are you all so overeacting, it's natural. What would have been of us if our parents had reacted the same way you all do now? Ah well, I'll change the channel.
All: Wait! Don't!
DJ_Gwendolynkatsche - When Sweet Polly's in trouble I am not slow! It's hip, hip, hip and--wait, how did I become a real dog...
Dale: Wow! The Underdog trailer!
ksharbaugh - Juvenile, juvenile...
Dale: Whatsa matter, Chip? Normally you insist we watch the 11 o'clock new- Oh... my... God! Is that you between Dolly's... ?!
Monty: Hmph, some blokes have all the fun!
bock's car - Well, you know they quit making the Lassie pics for some reason...
Dale: Th... They left little Timmy in the well!!!
The J.A.M. - Cool, didn't know the Rangers watched Food Network...
Chip: [gagging]
Dale: You'd think those would come with diagrams...
Monty: Bah....once you get used to this, you've seen one, you've seen them all...
Yunkel - It's not that I necessarily liked this one--just thought it was the better choice of the two...
Dale: Is that how humans treat the Earth in real life? Thank goodness we are rodents.
bock's car - I have a feeling the Orange Gadget's about to emerge...
Dale: Whoa!!! From this angle you can see Gadget's birthmark. Uh... Gadget?
Congo Jack - Now that IS a scary thought...
Dale: Wowie-zowie! Your dad sure is one tough guy, Monty! Not only attending your mother's labour, but filming it! Hehe, Monty, you're a winner.