#1 ksharbaugh - 10.8 seconds before Foxglove screams "men are so stupid!" and flaps off. I hear it took Dale weeks to get back on her good side...
Gadget: I know I she promised me not to tell but...Dale, Foxy only volunteered to be a catapult target in hopes you'd actually say something.
#2 Sajuuk - Decisions, decisions...
Gadget: What was it that pilot said? 'Fill the tanks with nitro and put that fuel in the cargo room', or was it 'fill the tanks with fuel and put the nitro in the cargo room'?
#3 bock's car - Do we really want to know...
Gadget: Let's see....... Mass increases by the square of the velocity. So it should land with the force of 30 metric tons. I think we should warn Detroit.
Kandei-Chan - Jurassic Park, Ranger style...
Gadget: No, Steggy! We're friends! And you're herbivorous!
#4 Mr. Spumoni - Looks like Freddy got out of the pokey. I always suspected she was a bit off her rocker...
Gadget: "...S-U-R-R-E-N-D-E-R...D-O-R-O-T-H-Y...ummm, do, do we know a Dorothy?"
# 5The Shadow Nose - The caption that goes without saying...
Gadget: Uh guys? Is the sky falling or is the ground rising?
Chip: Either way, I'm pretty sure its Dale's fault.
#6 Lilacstarprint - I see the guys won't be taking Gadget to D.C. again anytime soon (yeah, I did it just to spite her ;-))...
Gadget: Well, my catapult gets great range but..Um, do you guys think anyone will notice the Lincoln Memorial missing an eye?
#7 RaceBest - Ah, so that's who's behind the Chick-Fil-A commercials...
Gadget: First the ruby robot, the carpets, then the bus...I know we call Nimnul a mad scientist for a reason, but come on! An army of flying cows? The moon will never be the same again.
#8 Loneheart - Oh well, so much for eHarmony.com...
Gadget: It's certainly nice to meet you in person, although I must say this bares out everything my friends warned me about when I started flirting over the internet.
#9 Fleabot - That says it all, don't it...
Gadget: Oops...
#10 Pesterfield - Well, almost says it all...
Gadget: Golly, I guess I shouldn't say 'should'. Should I?
Scifly - This week's winner for the Best Candidate for a Rimshot award...
Gadget: Golly, she just keeps going up and up and up........ We'll never find her now. I guess Tammy really is just a one shot character.
Yunkel - Things the Rangers did after the series #1244: Guest-starring on the CHiPs reunion show...
Gadget: Sorry officer, I didnt see the "no parking sign" if you please.... what?, my driver's license?
BOC42 - Things the Rangers did after the series #3522: Les Miserables tryouts....
Gadget: "Do you hear the people sing, singing the songs of angry men? This is the music of a people who will not be slaves again..."
Octagon - Things the Rangers would never do #245: Staring at the sun...
Gadget: Golly, Dale, you're right, the sun really does start to look like a fish if you stare at it long enough.
CrashBurn - Well, it appears she is now...
Gadget: I thought Tammy was a flying squirrel!
Karl - Those pesky Toon Disney stickers...
Gadget: Dale! I've distracted them for a moment... While everyone's looking up - you've got a Toon Disney sticker on your, uhm, lower abdomen! Lose it, quick!
Mayhem - Now we know who's been driving the prices up...
Gadget: Golly, those Ranger plushies looked so much smaller on eBay!
Midnight Man - Foxglove, lover of Dale--and anime...
Gadget: Golly, Foxy, it's nice that you want to prove your affection to Dale, and none of us has a problem with you being an otaku, but don't you think that all these human Akira books at once are a bit too heavy for you?
Congo Jack - Cold hard reality sets in...
Gadget: You know guys, this is actually the first time I left our home not in the Ranger Plane and...Am I supposed to climb THERE!?
Nyperold - Watch out dude, she'll invent something and zap you if you're not civil...
GADGET: Eeek! Hey! You up there! You better not be looking where I think you're looking!