Week 173 Winner - Yunkel
#1 Yunkel - Ranger moments in history: For a month after this, Gadget had to live down the nickname "Sudsy"...
Gadget: Oh golly no! What makes you think I accidentally fell into a human washing machine?
#2 Silver Shadow - Ah, yet another heart is shattered...
Gadget: No, Chip, I didn't have an accident with one of my inventions. I'm actually wearing my hair like this to hide from Dale the fact that I'm wearing mascara, eye shadow, and blush for my secret date with Sparky tonight, and I'll fix my hair once Ranger HQ is out of sight. Well, now that you mention it, there was a little incident with the Rangerwing earlier today, so you could say I did have an accident with an invention, but I assume you meant an accident relating to why my hair's like this, so if we include that implied clause, then no... Wait, Chip, why are you crying?
#3 Midnight Man - Sometimes chivalry loses out to competitiveness...
Gadget: I'm back, boys! And the noises tell me that you're still fighting over who shall hold the umbrella for me.
#4 The J.A.M. - .3 seconds before Dale runs in abject terror...
Gadget: Dale, if I find out that you put a bucket over the door, I'll be inclined to inflict you with physical pain...
#5 Racebest - This week's winner for the Best Gadget In-Character Caption award...
Gadget: Through my experiments and reasoning which has been conducted recently in specific temperature and just the right humidity, I have come to the conclusion that although good tasting, motor oil is NOT good shampoo.
#6 Nyperold - Okay, so it's a tie for Best In-Character Caption...
Gadget: Hmm... maybe I could invent a sonic razor to shave off any hair that gets too close to my eyes... or I could strap a force field to my head... or--
Gadget: --or maybe I could just... push it away when this happens..."
#7 Lilacstarprint - Eh, okay, three for Best In-Character Caption...
Gadget: Golly! So this is what the back of my neck sees all day.
#8 Ronnie Rabbit - Is it actually legal for her to increase her IQ like that...
GADGET: I'm telling you, this increases my IQ by 50 points!
CHIP (offscreen): Oh, no, not another hair brained scheme of Gadget's...
#9 Kandei-Chan - When you know things are too close for comfort...
Gadget: No, I'm okay. I don't think the lightning strike did any real damage. But my hair passed out.
#10 ksharbaugh - Somedays, it's best to leave Gadget alone...strictly alone...
Gadget: The first person to comment about the 'wet mouse' smell is gonna get it!
FleaBot - Sure she could, but her endless banter would drive them nuts in a week...
Gadget: So, Dale, do you think I could join Iron Goose?
Loneheart - That's our Gadget...
Gadget: Yep, it's raining out. And it's dark too!
Jeff Parkes - Somehow, this seems credible...
FRENCHIE (offscreen): Incroyable! When we shave off most of your fur, you look just like that girl mouse we met in the pound long ago, K. Sera!
K. SERA: Sera!
Sajuuk - And then came the time when Gadget used the ejection seats once too many...
Gadget: Golly, Chip, Dale!!! Which of you pulled the lever on the
pilot ejection seat while we were over the ocean??????
Chip & Dale(offscreen):*grinning*
Congo Jack - Well, maybe seven days. If the head guy's encouraged enough...
Gadget: S-seven days-s...
Rangerphile: Wha... what's then? Am I gonna die?
Gadget: Why, caption contest will be over. You only have seven days to make it, didn't you know that?
bock's car - That, dear friend, is a trade secret...
Gadget: Oh, Shoot! How did Veronica Lake get her hair to stay in that Peek-a-Boo style?