Week 172 Winner - Toni
#1 Toni - If ever there was a truer Zipper caption...
Chip: Hey, what the---
Zipper: That will teach you not to ignore me anymore!
Monty: Huh? Who said that?
#2 Kandei-Chan - Chip, not clear on the concept...
Chip: Let go! I saw it! Fat Cat's going to bomb the Thanksgiving parade with that giant cat-shaped blimp!
Zipper: It's the Garfield balloon.
Monty: sigh... Every year...
#3 CD - This week's winner of the Great Lack of Forethought award...
Chip: Uhhh! Hnng! Bleh!
Zipper: Take this, space zombie! A swing in the face with this uranium ugly-stick will put you down!
Monty: When I encouraged them to be more relaxed like Dale, this was not what I meant.
#4 ksharbaugh - Still from the unaired episode, "The Night of the Living Jacket"...
Chip: GAH! It's trying to eat me!
Monty: I warned ya to get that thing washed before it developed a life of it's own but noooo, you wanted it to have character.
Zipper: Well right now it's got this character!
#5 Nyperold - Still from the unaired episode, "Hitch-Zipper's Guide to the Galaxy...
CHIP: ZIPPER?!? What on earth are you doing?!?
ZIPPER: Z ZZ-ZZ-ZZZZ ZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZ ZZZZZ zz ZZzzz zz zzzzzz! Zzz ZZZZ zzzz z ZZZzz, zz zzzz ZZZzzz zzzz zzzz zz zz! (A Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal is coming! You don't have a towel, so your jacket will have to do!)
MONTY: It's for yer own good, Chipper, me lad!
#6 Fleabot - Still from the unaired episode, "Chip Beside Himself". I heard they also had a "Gadget Beside Herself" episode planned, but when Chip's was rejected hers became "Gadget Goes Hawaiian". Take that as you will...
Chip: Zipper! Monty! What do you think you're doing?
Monty: Oh don't "Zipper! Monty!" us, mate! We know you're really Chip's Fleeblebroxian double... Chintz!
#7 Yunkel - Day #2 on the set of "Rescue Rangers": Chip discovers Zipper is a kung-fu master...
Zipper: Hhhyyyaaa!
Chip: What the....
Monty: Oh poor Chippa, He'll realize that makin' a fool out of ol' Zippa was a very big mistake.
#8 Neal_Wolf - Yeah, if Chip sees those pics he'll spontaneously combust, and that's unsightly...
Chip: ZIPPER?! What the heck are you...?!
Zipper: It's for your own good, trust me!
Monty: Oi knew fish shouldn'ta posted those Baywatch pictures...
#9 Sajuuk - Yet another sign the Rangers have been spending too much time around humans...
Chip: Wahhh! Where are my pants? If Gadget sees this, she will...
Zipper: Maybe we should hide your face...
Monty:...she would run screamin' away as far as she can...
#10 Racebest - Yet another futile quest to find something Dale can do right every time...
Zipper: See?! Right there, 100% Cotton. That's why it shrank so much.
Chip: If my new jacket shrunk that much...then where's my hat?
Monty: Now do you remember why we don't let Dale do the laundry?
bock's car - Admittedly, it is a challenge to hide presents from a detective...
Chip: Hello Monty, Zipper. I was just...... What the.......
Zipper, whispering to Monty: Quick, Monty. While he's distracted!
Monty, under his breath: I hate hidin' bloomin' Christmas presents.
Midnight Man - Dale, bringing fun to every mission...
Zipper: Here, have a look at the note Dale has stuck to your back before you went to the casino!
Chip: KICK ME?! Oh, this...
Monty: Crikey, will 'e ever grow up?
Tanka - it's not the kiss you have to worry about--it's Chip's reaction that'll need the ratings warning...
Chip: What?! Gadget kissing Dale?!!!
Zipper: You better not to see this....
Monty: Yeah, Chipper, NC-17 rated!