#1 pupspals - Deleted scene from "Battle of the Bulge"...
Chip: Okay, Monty... We knew you were mad at us for hiding the cheese when you threw us out the window...
Dale: ... But you didn't need to turn the hose on us too!!
#2 bock's car - Gadget's reaction to Chip's 3,523rd attempt to ask her out on a date...
Dale: Well, the ejection seats work without problems.
Chip: I guess "NO" really does mean "NO".
#3 Jeff Parkes - This week's winner for the "Truth in Captioneering" award...
CHIP: Man, it's been awhile since the caption contest got updated!
DALE: Yeah! How could Indy leave us *hanging* like that?
#4 Tanka - When Fat Cat decks the halls, he's not looking for holly...
Dale: It's June, it's raining, and it's an oak! Why did Fat Cat call us toys to decorate his Christmas tree?!
Chip: Thank heavens he didn't call us a thanksgiving turkey...
#5 Nyperold - Another person unclear on the concept...
CHIP: Dale... when superheroes on TV fly, they're not actually flying. They use wires or harnesses and green-screening. If we weren't already in danger of falling to our deaths, I'd bonk you on the head.
DALE: But they don't wear any wires or harnesses in the comics, and they can fly just fine! Hmph!
#6 Mr. Spumoni - Things the Rangers did after the series #235: Bird-Watcher Scouts...
Dale: Awww, you're nuts! Look at the crest, it's a warbler!
Chip: I'm telling you that it's an oriole! Look at the way the plumage...
Dale: Forget the plumage, look at the wing structure!
#7 Midnight Man - From the unaired episode, "Gadget Worship"...
Chip: So you think you can get rid of us that easily to be alone with her, huh? Think twice! It's still our place, and we have ways of getting back in and getting you out if necessary!
Dale: And no, Gadget won't appreciate your permanent drooling, fanboy!
#8 Yunkel - Peeping at a girl who can create deadly weapons by the score, can lift several times your body weight and goes off the deep end when she's colored orange--I don't think so...
Chip: Gadget is taking a shower, I must be the first to reach the window.
Dale: Ha! you will not defeat me on this one, I'll reach first.
#9 The JAM - Evil mirror universe bats--yep, gotta watch out for 'em...
Dale: Foxglove, THAT WASN'T FUNNY.
Chip: Or should we say.........."Nightbloom"?
#10 Alain - Don't go near any strange trees, Alain...
Chip: No Mr. Iger, we didn't organize that Ranger petition! We're innocent!
Dale: Yeah, you should look for that guy with the acorn cap!