Week 169 Winner - Karl
Nyperold - Tammy messes with Chip's mind, dressing up as Sureluck Jones. Yeah, sure, that's what he was hinting at...
CHIP & DALE: ...
GADGET: Golly! I knew Tammy liked Chip, but...
Stian - I see someone's been playing with the mind transfer ray again...
Chip: Must eat brain...
Dale: E=mc2
Gadget: What a mess. We have to clean up.
Midnight Man - Hmm...gotta wonder how much of an "oops" that was...
Gadget: Oops, I left my Chipmunk Hypnosis Device running!
Chip & Dale: Must help Gadget at the workshop... beta-testing is fun... motor oil is tasty...
Tilas - The Rangers prepare to learn that Monty is Gadget's father--and she's got siblings...
Chip: Please don't say he's the father please don't say he's the father....
Dale: Chip's going to kill me if it says I'm the father....
Gadget: Golly, I better think of something quick when it says Monty's the father....
BK - From the unaired episode, "The Return of Sugarbottom: Sweet Revenge"...
Gadget: Golly, Dale, can you hear a drumbeat?
Dale: I dunno. Chip, can you hear a drumb.. Whu-oh!
Neal_Wolf - A scene from Loneheart's angst-filled sequel, "Gadget in Legal Red Tape"...
Dale: I never imagined...
Chip: I never imagined... well, I did, but...
Gadget: Me and Foxy on "Girls Gone Wild"?! What was in those drinks Tammy gave us?!
Silver Shadow - Monty and cheese sales: A BAD COMBINATION...
Dale: So... does this mean we won't have room for a pet?
Gadget: Golly, I shouldn't have let Monty take the Rangerplane when he went for groceries!....
Chip: So... much... cheese!
Mr. Spumoni - Signs that the series was ending #234: Ranger Flubs...
Chip: Ummm....line? Can, can I have...the next line?
Gadget: It's not my line is it Mr. Stones? It is his line right? Yeah...
Dale: Dang! This is like the ninth take! I hope we break for lunch soon.
Congo Jack - There are times when silence is truly golden...
Chip: Dale's such an idiot! Bu-u-t...
Dale: What's his problem? I was silent enough...
Gadget: Let's pretend, I not listened. Did I really gets fat in that place?...
Gwendolyn_Katsche - Things that make you wonder why people wonder about things...
Chip: Disney's The Wild flopped!
Dale: Denmark is in the Eurovison Song Contest semi final next year!
Gadget: Prince Caspian's release date got moved!
Loneheart - If I was Gadget I'd just vacate that reality altogether ;-)...
Chip: I can't beleive I mistook Lawhiney for Gadget all this time.
Dale: Wow, Lawhiney's sure putting up a fight with those prison gaurds.
"Gadget": I wonder if I should mention that *I'm* Lawhiney?
bock's car - Once again, math proves to be the bane of mankind (and mousekind)...
Chip: "No Problem", She said. "It's just Mathematics", she said. And I believed it.
Dale: I'm gonna miss this place.
Gadget: Golly, the movers' are here already!
The Shadow Nose - You know, this one's entirely believable...
Gadget: Golly, you really want us back on the air... as the stars of a brand new animated film and cartoon serial?! Wait, why are you just looking at me?
Chip (thinking): ...they said Indiana Jones rip-offs don't sell anymore...
Racebest - Campisi, quit spiking the coffee...
Chip: Something was in that coffee...
Dale: Something was in that coffee...
Gadget: Campisi...What are they talking about?
wetskunk - Hmm, maybe those traps she built served to keep out more than salesmen...
Chip: (Thinking) I can't believe what Mickey e-mailed Gadget.
Dale: Hey Gadget, Did you know Minnie has been asking about you?
Gadget: Yes Dale, I know and I won't drop the restraining order.
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Golden Z...nope, no idea...
Dale: How'd all those soldiers get in here?...
Gadget: ...and what's with the golden "Z" on their foreheads?
Chip: I always wondered about those yellow eyes...
Lance - Why you don't let Gadget tinker with the space-time continuum...
Chip: OMIGOSH that was the single most amazing thing I have ever seen!
Dale: ZOWIE! Who would've thunk it?!
Gadget: Maybe if I reverse the normalisation coefficients... Wait. Did I miss something?
Toni - The terror that is Mentos...
Chip: I can't believe Monty kissed me on the mouth.
Dale: And that's why cheese flavored Mentos are a bad idea.
Gadget: Careful guys! Here he comes again!
NubianKitten - Chip, .83 seconds before calling his lawyer and starting yet another defamation of character suit...
Chip--I did what to Gadget in that fanfic???
Dale--He did what to Gadget in that fanfic???
Gadget--I don't remember him doing that to me in that fanfic!
JMC - Some stuck poses are better than others....
Chip: Stuck in a Macarena pose? Disgraceful!
Gadget: Stuck in a Madonna “Vogue” pose? Humiliating!
Dale: Stuck in a pointy-eyed “Thinking Man” pose? Priceless!