Week 168 Winner - Mowog
CD - Chip and Dale try out for the new revamped Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney World...
Chip: One construction worker died building this water splash. Then they're delayed 6 weeks for technical issues. Yet they don't believe "Flying Dutchman" is cursed like a real ghostship. Hey, what's that rumbling? Dale, why is the ground shaking? They wouldn't have opened this ride earlier than the stated 6 weeks wou-"
pupspals - That's the problem with standing around and looking inconspicuous...
:: at Disneyland in the Pirates of the Carribbean ride remodel::
Chip: Hey imageneers! We got a spinner over here! And it kinda looks off model - we need to fix it!
Ian - This week's winner of the Stanislovskian Moment award...
Chip: I know you didn't expect the caption contest to make a comeback, but I still think you're overreacting.
Toni - Things the Rangers did after the series #12,243: Comeback plans...
Chip: Of course I'm sure. If you look like a Beyblade, we can pretend to be an anime show and get back on TV. Now spin faster!
Nyperold - Things the Rangers did as they saw the show was ending: Attempting to jump-start a new show...
CHIP: I don't care if you *did* sign me up, I don't *want* to be in "Dalespin"!
BOC42 - Of course she does, what's your point ;-)
CHIP: Hah! Gadget said she liked Indiana Jones, not Jack Sparrow!
E-entity - With the boys, square dancing is a full-contact sport...
Caller: Spin yer partner round an' round . . .
Chip: You heard the man
Fleabot - Another of the Great Unanswered Questions...
Chip: Dale, that is not how I do that trick with my ears!
Lance - Dale and caffeine--not a good mix...
Chip: Gah! You've been at the coffee beans again, haven't you!?
Jeff Parkes - You just knew Dale was a bit more wacky than the others...
Chip: Dale, spinning around only works as a costume change in a Warner Bros. cartoon! You can't seriously expect to-- hey, where'd that hat come from?
BK - Dale: A chipmunk who refuses to do things the ordinary way...
Chip: Jeez, Dale, if you want to see what your hat looks like from behind, just use a mirror!
The JAM - Even with top impressions, they have to try to top each other...
Chip: No, stupid!! THIS is how you do a top-impression!!
Midnight Man - The scary part is, Dale might actually go to Gadget and ask for that...
Chip: So, this should tighten your loose screw a bit. I'll have Gadget do the rest later when we're back at her workshop.
Campisi - Dale, the living bug zapper...
Chip:"Hold still, Dale... those flies are attracted to that nose of yours!
Supercheese - Somehow, I don't think Dale will fight him for it on this one...
Chip: Hey! Gadget said it was my turn to help her with her centrifugal force experiment!
Mr. Spumoni - With cat-like tread, upon the way we steal...
Chip: No, no, no! It's kick, spin, shuffle! Not kick, shuffle, spin! Get your head in the game Dale! Our production of Pirates of Penzance opens Wednesday for crying out loud!
ksharbaugh - Somehow, I think this can lead to nothing but trouble...and a fanfic from somebody...hmm, I guess those would be synonymous...
Chip: Fine, Dale, we'll play 'spin the bottle'! But since we don't have a bottle...
Scifly - Why do I think of Bill Shatner when I read this one...
Chip: I'll spin you right round Dale, right round, like a record Dale right round round round.
bock's car - Some things just defy description...
Chip: Enough with the Charades...just tell me what happened in Gadget's workshop!
Karl - I see Dale's been visiting that skunk girlfriend of Flower's again...
Chip: Try to stay downwind of me, Dale! You STINK!
Red Sonic - Actually, Dale's problem was he was playing the role of Magneto with some of the magnets from Gadget's workshop and got caught between two metal posts....
Chip: Come on, X-3 wasn't THAT bad.
Gwendolyn_Katsche - Obscure rock reference alert...at least I think it's obscure...
Dale: I'm imitating Dead Or Alive's You Spin Me Round!