Gwendolyn_Katsche - Things the Rangers did after the show was over #12,324: Torturing Robert Iger via videoconference...
Gadget:We are planning a PG-13 rated RR thriller for next summer!
Gadget: A monster? No, this is just Michael Jackson after his most recent plastic sugery.
Gadget: Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk/I'm a chipmunk's gal/No time to talk
bock's car - I didn't remember until I saw him, but yes I do recall him...
Gadget: It's Ralph Phillips, and his secret weapon!
Mr. Spumoni - Another mouse inventor unclear on the concept...
Gadget: Oh no. Oh no no. This is bad guys, really, really bad. I've looked very hard at this situation and studied it thoroughly and my data says this horrible, ravenous, blood-thirsty, alien monster isn't getting enough impact protection from that helmet!
Campisi - Oh ye mouse of selective memory--or maybe that really *wasn't* her...
Gadget: I don't remember posing for that!
ksharbaugh - Sometimes, you just know that Gadget's saying things to upset the boys...
Gadget: Oh no! One of my atomic monsters got loose! Wait, mine all have two heads... I mean... drat!
Pesterfield - We'd tell you where she saw the first one but the Cone of Silence is out of order...
Gadget: Golly, that's the second biggest pillbug I've ever seen.
Ian - This week's winner for "The Scariest Thought Coming from a Caption" award...
Gadget: So that's what Oprah looks like without all the makeup!
Clockwork Cat - Those forgetful space aliens...
Gadget: Excuse me sir? Is that your spaceship out in the parking lot? You left your headlights on.
pupspals - Gadget, ever the master of details...
Gadget: Hey! That hat was GREEN in the shot before!
Loneheart - Well, maybe not...
Gadget: If you look closely you can see the lack of reflected light on the jaw from this CGI monster's chest-plate. Oh, wait there it is... this must be a real space monster out to take over the Earth.
HowlinBob - Another of the Questions that Don't Need An Answer...
Gadget:Ok is this the result of an auto accident or are there helmets out there that really look that stupid?
The Shadow Nose - We might have figured--Alien Gadgetphiles...
Giant Pillbug: Hey there, Hotstuff! CyberBugs my name and fightin' crime is my game! Why don't you ditch those two stupid chipmuncks and hang out with a REAL man?
Gadget: Chip, arm the Photonic Cannon...
FleaBot - Uh oh, Chip's been watching the Game Show Network again...
Gadget: Chip, I'm not exactly sure, but... I think this guy just claimed you bet me in a poker match... and lost?!?
Red Sonic - Hey, could we get verification on this one...
Gadget: So THAT'S what happens when you sneeze with your eyes open!
Karl - Ho boy, here come the fanfics...
Gadget: Uhm, Chip? Dale? I'd like you to meet my father
Neal_Wolf - Another invention gone awry...
Gadget: Golly, this Scratch-n-Sniff monitor works great! I can actually smell underarm deodorant... wait, that's me; strike that...
Schroeder - Ah, so it's not what happens when you don't sneeze, but when you don't brush your teeth...
Gadget: You see what I mean about tooth decay, Dale?! Now BRUUUUUSH!!