Red Sonic - Are you pondering what I'm pondering...
Sparky: I tried out for the role of Pinky, but they went with some guy who had a Masters in theater. As if you really need college education to roll your eyes and yell "Narf!"
Jeff Pierce - Things one-time characters did after the series: Sparky, Gadget's bodyguard...
Sparky: Um...Gadget, who are all those drooling people over there?
Gadget: *gasp* Oh, no! FANBOYS!!!
Kandei-chan - Ah, I always suspected...
Sparky: Can you keep a secret? I'm actually an author avatar.
Obi-Wan Maplewood - A scene from the unaired "Gadget Clone Wars II: The Empire Strikes Out"...
SPARKY: You know how you lost m- er, your dad Geegaw about a year before you joined the Rangers?...
ksharbaugh - The next line from the unaired "Gadget Clone Wars II: The Empire Strikes Out"...
Sparky: Gadget, I am your father!
Pesterfield - True, Gadget is that gullible...
Sparky: I'm not wearing anything under this lab coat.
E-entity - And yes, that clueless...
Sparky: Why are Chip and Dale looking at us like that? Something you forgot to tell me?
Jeff Parkes - And that oblivious...
Sparky:Were you aware that nobody else around here but you wears pants?
bock's car 509 - 2.3 seconds before Gadget runs for the nearest exit...
Sparky: Check it out. I'm gonna send an electric surge through the security system and turn on the sprinklers.
JMC - Never, never use salesman terminology around Gadget...
Sparky (Still in a whisper, albeit slightly louder): Wait! Before you say No! If you say yes within the next ten seconds, I'll throw in a light water nuclear reactor as well.
Neal_Wolf - Hey, it could happen...
Sparky: I just heard those chipmunks saying they only flirt with you to make Clarice jealous...
Loneheart - Some things have to be kept separate...
Sparky: Girlfriend or not, keep your hands off my maple pancakes!
Gwendolyn_Katsche - Something tells me Sparky and 8-Bit Star will get along just fine...
Sparky (Whisper):I am trying to revive the Amstrad CPC computer generation!
The Gnome - Actually, that was the result of their losing a light saber match with the Jedi Chipmunk and Obi-Wan Maplewood...
Sparky: You have noted that Chip and Dale's tails are to short for BOY chipmunks haven't you?
Aramis - Hmm...Sparky and Lahwhinie...
Sparky: Hey, liked your makeover in a business suit ... It wasn't you?!
pupspals - They go to the Jack La Lanne exercise academy every weekend...
Sparky: ... so Chip & Dale are really old! I found this cartoon from, like, the '50's!
The Shadow Nose - I wondered why we never saw her dancing--she must train with Dee Dee...
Sparky: In todays class, I shall teach you to break dance.
Gadget: But, I already break things every time I dance.
Sparky: Yes, but now you can do it with style!
Ian - A scene from the unaired "Back To the Feature"...
Sparky: If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious ****
Toni - That would be SFX--Sparky Effects...
Sparky: Don't tell Dale, but I had a part in the X-Men movie.
Gadget: Really?
Sparky: Of course! Why, did you think that the actress for Storm did the blasts herself?
Campisi - I hope they were grounded...
Sparky: Did I ever tell you about the time I met Metallica?