Toni - Things the Ranger Villains did after the series: Normie, Warrior Plumber...
Normie: Ha ha! I am the nightmare of clogged toilets everywhere!
pupspals - When the Rangers knew the series was over #74: Bringing in the hired guns...
Normie: Drop the remote! We need all the ratings we can get!
ian - Dirty Normie--well, he probably does avoid baths at all costs...
Normie: I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself.
Ronnie Rabbit - The scary part is, they all look like that now...
GADGET: See, guys, I told you I could fix the nuclear power source in my new and improved plunger gun with No Problems! All we had to do was tap into this pipe carrying strange, mutagenic radioactive waste out of the city's reactor, and - why are you looking at me like that? Is my hair orange again?
The Gnome - Normie Nimnul, fear monger...
Normie: Say hello to my little friend!
Gwendolyn_Katsche - 10.3 seconds before Normie is chased from the video game store, thwarting his attempt to steal all the new Playstation 2's...
Normie: Hands up, baby hands up!
Red Sonic - I always thought he looked a lot like Dexter too. Suppose someone modeled Dexter after Normie?
Normie: Dee-dee, get out of my lah-bor-ah-tory!
Neal_Wolf - An equal-opportunity exterminator...
Normie: I squish your head... heck, I'll squish your whole body!
E-entity - The Adventures of Normie Nimnul: The Hostile Takeover...
Normie: Now that I have the better technology, you will be the annoying nephew and I the evil genius MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
FleaBot - Someone put plums in the FOGEY again...
Norton Nimnul: Okay, vermin, give Unkie Norton back his prunes!
Loneheart - Normie reveals his secret ancestry...
Normie: Shhh! Be wery, wery quiet. I'm hunting Wescue Wangers.