The Gnome - Of course, the next question is why she's summoning them. Of course, one has to have people to test inventions...
Gadget: They say it couldn't be done but I've done it! My Sleep Walker Summoner Mark 8 is a succes! Bwa ha ha ha!
Loneheart - Use the Force lightning, the Good Side can...
Gadget: Golly, Zipper, I know it's the dark side, but my invention works twice as well this way!
Toni - Well, if they're the two in "Gadget in Chains" I'd agree ;-)...
Gadget: Aww come on, Zipper! There's no way the guys could possibly guess that I had a date with Sparky today.
E-entity - Dale: It's Electra-Girl and the Lightning Bug!...
Gadget: Golly, Zipper, those new powers sure are something. Just don't tell Dale. I can only imagaine the names he'd come up with for you.
Aramis - Even flies have limits when it comes to digestion...
Gadget: Golly Zipper, I know that Dale said my cooking tastes like machine oil, but you could have at least tried my TV dinner.
Lotacats - A fly went by. She said, "Oh dear"...
(5.8 seconds before Gadget realizes she'd accidentally reversed the settings...)
Gadget: There! The transmogrification process has started, Zipper! Soon you'll be a mouse like me, and then we can finally be married! I can't wait to tell Chip and Dale!
ian - Yet another reason why Chip is a univeral angst magnet...
Gadget: OUCH! *CENSORED* Okay, who put batteries in here while I was talking to my agent?
Chip (trying to look innocent): It was Dale. I think he said something about getting back at you for shooting him in the face with a plunger last week.
ksharbaugh - And he looked so innocent all that time...
Gadget: Zap me all you want Darth Zip, I'm still not turning to the Dark Side.
Fleabot - From the unaired episode, "Lightning Bug". Zipper walked off the set for two weeks after this fiasco. Of course, it was about that long before anyone noticed...
Monty (OS): Zippah, no! Don't look at the light!
Zipper: I can't help it. It's so beautiful. *bzzrrt*
Gadget: Did you say something, Zipper?
Neal_Wolf - When Gadget starts eating apple cores, the boys are going to KNOW something's up...
"Gadget": I can't look... Zipper, did my Mind Transferral Device work?
"Zipper": *translated from buzz* This thing looked a lot bigger a second ago...
Gwendolyn_Katsche - An original idea, but oh those lawsuits...
Gadget:This is the next Nintendo - Nintendo Hairriser!
Red Sonic - Some questions should never be asked...
GADGET: Of course it's supposed to do that. Have I ever endangered you, Zipper?
GADGET: Oh come on...your eyelids grew back.
The Shadow Nose - 2005, A Ranger Odyssey...
Gadget: Okay HAL, I'm going to repair you and set you up in our computer as long as you promise to only do good things from now on.
HAL 9000: Of course, my love. Whatever you say.
Gadget: Oh, and stop trying to date me.
HAL 9000: I'm sorry Gadget, but I'm afraid I can't do that.
Lotacats - With Gadget, all theories are out the door...
Gadget: Anything in string theory that theoretically can go wrong will
go wrong.....phew!!! Can this be one of those times?