Karl - Five words never to utter in front of a woman...
Dale: Then I told Foxglove "Childbirth can't be THAT painful...!"
The Shadow Nose - When crossovers get messy...
Things Dale did after the series #2: Recover from what he did for #1.
Dale: So, did Buster Bunny give any tips on how to cope with something like this?
Chip: Which one? Having your series canceled without warning or having your face get messed up from a jaw-drop gone wrong?
Lotacats - This Week's Winner for the Most Dale-Like Retort...
Dale: Oof...now if I can just get my foot in there like everyone says I do.
Mullet Man - This Week's Winner for the Caption Most Likely to Make It as a Geico Commercial...
DALE: It's irreversable, but I do have good news... I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!
JeffNindo - Well, if pupspals' source is right, he got some swift action...
Dale: We want CDRR on DVD now!
CD - You have been warned...
Roman Bulygin - Curiouser and curiouser...
Dale: Hey, look! I'm like the Cheshire Cat!
ian - Some pleasures have lasting consequences...
Dale: I think my mouth is stuck like this.
Chip (offscreen): Maybe you should have listened when we told you not to eat that chocolate bunny in one bite
pupspals - A screenshot from the unaired episode, "Reckless Rangers"...
Dale: This is the last time we let Tex Avery direct our cartoon!
Loneheart - Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time...
Dale: Gadget, did you misplace a spring-loaded walnut?
bock's car 509 - She has, once, "Dale". But I suppose it could happen again...
Dale: Oh, good. Now that I have your attention, Indy, can Foxy please be in one of these caption thingies? Huh? Pretty please!!!