pupspals - This week's winner for the Caption Most Accurately Representing What Dale Would Say Were He and the Rangers Touring Disneyland...
Dale: But then fireworks come out of Mickey's fingers &...
Chip: We're NOT wasting time seeing the Fantasmic show during our trip to Disneyland!!
Mullet Man - Reason #9 for Dale not to be a Superhero...
DALE: By the power of the Acorn, I shall prevail!
CHIP: For the last time, you're not a Sailor Scout!
Ian - Why Dale would never teach logical reasoning...
Chip: You can't keep avoiding her.
Dale: Why not? If she can't find me, she can't break up with me!
The Shadow Nose - Why Dale will never be a newscaster...
Dale: Chip, you've got to believe me! A mob of robotic penguines broke into the Happy Cow ice cream factory and made off with a jumbo-sized refridgerator!
Chip: Dale, do you have any idea how crazy that sounds?
Dale: I'm serious... I mean I'm pretty sure... Well, come to think of it, it does sound pretty unbeliveable.
Chip: Don't sweat it, Buddy. Odds are Nimnul's behind it.
Jeff Pierce - It's a wonder the Rangers can ever purchase anything...
DALE: ...and it came through the door, Chip! All black and smelly and ugly and ewww!!!
CHIP: Yep, looks like Gadget's latest salesman trap works fine.
Winston - Some mysteries are destined never to be solved...
Dale: ... So then the aliens said somethin' about how their race was really advanced and stuff and they've solved all the other... uhh... what'd he say again? 'Inscrutable mysteries of the universe', or somethin like that... And now the only one left for them to figure out was how that thing with your ears works! And that's what happened to your hat! Honest, Chip!
The Gnome - When they couldn't find anything else to argue about...
Dale: It's Ta-mate-o!
Chip: Ta-mat-o!
Dale: Ta-mate-o!
Chip: Ta-mat-o!
Monty: Will you two just call the whole thing off!
CD - Oh yeah, *that's* why we wrote the URT...
Dale: Chip, your bonking is driving me hysterical! I've had three sleepless night pondering over whether mommy was right about you. I'm even considering moving out if this keeps up. Stop it or you'll have to find someone else for your Ranger work!
Chip: Shut your mouth and quit your whining or I'll beat you again.
Dale: Okay Chip.
Karl - Wowsers...
Chip: We do NOT mention 'Inspector Gadget' here!
Dale: But his hat! The propeller! Flying! It's kewl!!
(Off-screen, Gadget: I can install one in your head too, y'know.)
Red Sonic - Leave it to Dale to find a revelation during the late, late, late show...
Dale: I'm telling you, we live in a dream world made up by the Matrix! We're slaves!
Chip: I've had it! No more of Monty's five alarm chili before bed, Dale.
Lotacats - Well, *Gadget* learned the value of sticking to things...
Chip: The next time you're having a bad day........
Dale: I know. I know. I shouldn't have put superglue on the chairs!