Jeff Parkes - Old villains never die...but their hearing aid batteries do...
50 years later, Fat Cat and his hearing aid.
FAT CAT:Eh? What's that you say?
MOLE(offscreen): I said, my personal criminal empire is twice as big as your old one!
MEPPS(offscreen): He's lying, boss! He's just my right-hand man in the New United Empire of America!
FAT CAT(chuckles):Ah, you young whippersnappers, always up to something. . .
Karl - Things the Rangers did after the series #5266: The New Dr. Who...
Crab (in shell): with real estate prices going up all over, you can make a fortune! Gadget: Golly! That's it! Hand me my sonic screwdriver, Dale! We'll have the Tardis going before you can calculate Pi to the highest known prime number's decimal place!
Fat Cat: What? First this THING appears out of no-where, and now it's TALKING!?
Ray Jones - This Week's Winner for the Caption Most Likely to Make Us All Reconsider the "What-if" Relationship Stories (but only for a minute)...
Shell: Mice, bats, and chipmunks are one thing, honey, but...
Fat cat: I don't care! I love you! A cat and a hermit crab CAN make it work!
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Okay, maybe two minutes...
SHELL: Don't break the shell, Dad - you'll hurt me!
FAT CAT:*why, oh why did I decide to have an interspecies relationship with a crab* Don't worry, you'll see the world in a jiffy!
Chris S. - From the unaired episode crossover with "The Little Mermaid" where Fat Cat tries to steal King Triton's trident (oh well, he had to try sometime)...
Shell ::playing music::
Fat Cat: How long is King Triton going to keep me on hold? If I have to listen to "Under the Sea" one more time...
Mullet Man - Well, we knew they were hiding out somewhere...
SHELL: All your gang are belong to us!
FAT CAT: Mepps? Wart? Mole?
SHELL: They are on the way to destruction.
Mole420 - And now, "Ebb Tide" by the Platters, baby..
Shell: Sorry, no ocean, have some easy listening instead.
The Gnome - Ah, another "bomb" shell (runs from the pun-haters)...
Fat Cat: Wait... I think I hear something
Shell: tic, tic, tic, tic...
Fat Cat: Oh oh...!
bock's car 509 - Lesson in choosing henchmen: Never choose one smarter than you...
Shell: Hey, there's light coming in from the other side.(Snicker)
Fat Cat: You won't be laughing when I turn you into Escargot.
Solidus Raccoon - Par-kaaaay! (Let the ancient commercial viewers understand)...
Shell: 's alright
Fatcat: Well, at least it isn't the dancing and singing frog in a box again.
The Shadow Nose - From a cut scene of "Shell Shocked"--it forced them to run over their alloted time, so the boot scene was used in its place...
Gadget (in shell): Golly, It's been over three hours... is he still out there?
Dale (in shell): I dunno, here I'll just poke my head out and see...
Chip (in shell): Dale don't!
Fat Cat (thinking): Darn!
pupspals - Well, if he'd been Eisner's spy, we'd have been rid of the man ages ago ;-)...
(fat cat the spy)
FC: ... yes, mr. Eisner, but... no, you're right... ok...
Jeff Pierce - The latest in shell games and pyramid schemes...
Crab (in shell): with real estate prices going up all over, you can make a fortune! Efficiency homes with an oceanfront view!
Fat Cat: You mean...?
Crab: Yep! You just have to sell seashells by the seashore!