Week 153 Winner - Rachel
CD - Why Gadget will never be the Jeopardy Champion...
Gadget: I know! Solar panels produce energy because they catch sunrays. Well, not catch really, the sunrays touch them. Though solar panels can't feel so should it really be touch? At least, I think they can't feel. Well anyway once they rays 'touch' the panel start to- (Time Out Buzzer)
Winston - This week's award for the Caption Most Likely To Make the Guys Leave Gadget Completely Alone Award...
Gadget: ... So I guess it just goes to show, despite what you'd think, a mouse can survive falling into a pretzel-making machine and getting trapped in there for the entire twisting process.
Stitch - This Week's Winner for the Caption Most Likely to Keep Monty from Eating Cheese the Rest of the Day Award...
Gadget: There, see? I sewed it back on, good as new! No, really, guys... it's fine. I'm losing fingers all the time.
Solidus Raccoon - Things the Rangers Did After the Series #8923: Bored..uh, Board Games...
Gadget: I GOT IT!! Colonel Mustard in the Kitchen with the candlestick.
Jeff Parkes - Well, those sprockets can be pretty big sometimes...
Gadget: I once caught a sprocket Thiiiiiiiiiis biiiiiiiig!
CHIP(offscreen):Uh oh, there goes Gadget on another "Junkyard fish story"!
Mullet Man - Man, like I'm gone already..
GADGET: Now that SHOULD really work!
MONTY (Offscreen): Oh no, mates, she emphasized it! Clear a five block area!
KS - Kiss my grits!...
Gadget: Pull my finger!
JPesterfield - It was inevitable...
Gadget Clone 153564: This meeting of Gadget clones anonymous will come to order.
pupspals - Well, whattaya know, you got it! Nicely done. Might want to lay off the Animaniacs marathons though ;-)...
Gadget: Wanna see me make bubbles with my spit?
The Gnome - During the third round of the Chip Imitations Contest...
bock's car 509 - So that's why she seemed so preoccupied...
Gadget: I've finally figured out the Unified Field Theory---- What do you mean the show's been canceled?
HowlinBob - Another caption that we'll be scratching our heads at in a couple of years, trying to figure out what inspired it ;-)...
Gadget: Well besides the fact that we've been captured by Fatcat and we have no way of escaping this time I do have good news, I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Coming This Summer: The Fantastic Four Rodents...
GADGET: Golly, now my forearm can emit a continuous spectrum of bright turquoise light! Who said nuclear radiation was all bad, anyway?
The Shadow Nose - Yeah, that could be why Chip never proposed...
Priest (off-screen): If anymouse has any reasons that these two should not be joined in holy matrimony may they speak now or forever hold their peace.
Gadget: Well, I kind of hate to bring this up right now... but it just occured to me that this really isn't the most efficient way to do things because... well... I'm a mouse and he's a chipmunk so therefore it's highly unlikely that we chould actually produce a healthy child. Which I suppose is a good argument against mixed-species marrages. Though of course, I'm pretty sure that modemizer accident scrambled our genes up enough to make us genetically compatable... well, I'm not certain about THAT but it had to have done something and sinse we haven't all died horribly from malignant canceous tumors then I guess that kind of leaves the problem of us becoming a married couple who both have extreamly dangeous jobs and insist on doing it non-profit, which would really make raising children pretty difficult especially if they turn out to be malformed mutants that need expensive medical treatment. Though I'm pretty sure we could get help from our community if that should happen. But still since we would have to watch the kids we would have to cut down on our crimefi...