Stitch - He always wants the best of everything...
Fat Cat: I don't mind so much that those meddlesome rodents have once again foiled my plans, or even that I've been hit by a flying pastry. What bugs me is that they couldn't spring for a good pastry. Seriously, what kind of cheap pie only has one cherry in it? I demand to be humiliated only by high-quality desserts from now on.
Ulrik Raben - Simon: Your confectionary skills are, in short, abyssmal...
Fat Cat: And we are on the set for...
Mole: American Pie 3!
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Yep, true love. Definitely love...
FAT CAT: Yes! Rita hit me with a pie ... it MUST be true love!
pupspals - Maybe he could hold it for ransom in exchange for a DVD release...
Fat Cat: Happy 50th Disneyland!
Mole: Hey Fat Cat are you gonna take over the autopia like you did for the Disney Afternoon days again?
Fat Cat: Not while we're on camera....!!!!
bock's car 509 - Even Fat Cat's birthdays are unpredictable...
Fat Cat: Trick candles. Oh, that Mouse IS clever.
Mole204 - And some are even more unpredictable than that...
Fat Cat: He had expected exploding candles, but an exploding bakery? Rat Capone never saw it coming!
Loki - Hmm...perhaps this explains why Fat Cat wasn't sad when the show ended...
Fat Cat: You know Mole, if it weren't for the fact that this is daytime television, I would have to kill you now.