Week 149 Winner - Stitch
The Shadow Nose - Ranger Clone Wars III: Revenge of the She-Mouse...
When Crossovers go Wrong...
Jar-Jar Binks: Ooohh! Meesa love Gadget! Meesa big fan and give big smoochies...
Gadget: Chip... you might want to leave now.
Chip: I'm way ahead of you.
Ronnie Rabbit - Things the Rangers did after the show #6475: Gadget's tryout for "The New Karate Kid"...
GADGET: Crane technique... when do right, no can defend...
CHIP: You're getting your movies mixed up again, Darth Miyagi.
The JAM - Things the Rangers did after the show #9952: Tryouts for the Clone Wars animated series...
Gadget: The Force is strong with THIS ONE???
Chip: Not sane, you are. Exit stage left, I go!
KS - Things the Rangers did after the show #9953: Tryouts for the Clone Wars animated series continued...
Gadget: Just because I'm blonde, good with machines and weilding a lightsaber does not mean I'm gonna turn to the dark side! DON'T MAKE ME HURT YOU!!
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Don't mess with a Jedi Mouse...
GADGET: Apology accepted, Mister Bobcat.
CHIP: I hated that 'Bonkers' replaced us as well, Gadget, but did you have to Force choke him *that* *much*?
Mullet Man - I wonder what cousin of Chip's Gadget roomed with...
GADGET: I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former room-mate.
CHIP: What's that make us?
GADGET: Absolutely nothing. Which is what you are about to become.
pupspals - Ferengi Rule of Acquistion #33...
Chip: I thought you told dale in URT that you couldn't make a light saber...
Gadget: That was just to throw you off the track!
bock's car 509 - The one she ran off would've been named Darth Mall of course...
Chip: I think he's gone Gadget. You can put the Lightsabre away now.
Gadget: Always with salesmen there are two. A master, and an apprentice.
Mole204 - Ah, I see Chip is now a certified Jindi Brie Master...
Gadget: Monterey has taught you well.
JMC - Something tells me she didn't like it...
Chip: I know you’re disappointed, Gadget. But “A New Hope” is already out! Think about it! A… New…Hope!!!”
Gadget: I don’t care!
IceonFire85 - 2.5 seconds before Chip finds out what a dumb statement he made...
Gadget: What did you say!?!
Chip: I just don't think Darth Vader would be believable as a woman. No woman would be able to reach a position of power that high.