Week 145 Winner - Fish
Stitch - I hear you, bro...
Mepps: Well, I happen to think my cap is totally stylin'. So there.
Mullet Man - Things the Ranger villains did after the series: Musical enrichment...
MEPPS: Maria! I just met a girl named Maria!
WART (offscreen): You should have never have shown him that movie.
MOLE (offscreen): It was a movie? I thought it was one of those... books on tape sort of things.
pupspals - Things the Ranger villains did after the series: Musical enrichment, part two...
Mepps: [a la Gene Kelly] Do de do doo do dee do da do...
Fat Cat (off screen): For the last time, there's no rain to be singing in!
Obi-Wan Maplewood - And part three...
Mepps: When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie-
Dale: (off screen) - that's a sight gag!
Karl - Things the Ranger villains did after the series: Mepps recounts how he became a Goon Squad member...
Mepps: They dared me! So I tipped that bottle like this and drank it all - I woke up working for Fat Cat.
bock's car 509 - Things the Ranger villains did after the series: The short-lasting modern Shakespeare interpretive series...
Mepps: I come not to praise Caesar, but to bury him.
Jeff Parkes - Gotta love Satchmo...
FAT CAT(offscreen): Mole, you idiot! I TOLD you not to turn on our hypnotizing device while I was playing that Louis Armstrong record!
WART(offscreen):Well, you gotta admit, boss, he plays a mean air trumpet.
Someghol(s) - Looks like PePe le Pew moved into the neighborhood...
Mepps: Oooo, that smell! Can't you smell that smell? The smell that surrounds youuuuuuu!
KS - Hmm...do I really want to know...
Mepps: Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!
CD - No one could ever convince him that Cecil B. DeMille had passed on...
Mepps: I am the one true prophet. Follow me to your salvation. Only Mepps has the power to clear your soul! And I have become all but immume to stoning in my life.
Cobra Reviewer - It may have worked for Captain Kirk, but I sense a boot coming in Mepps' direction...
Mepps: Picture yourself in a boat on a river/With tangerine trees and marmalade skies...
JMC - And sometimes he's right...
Mepps: Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner/Sometimes I feel like my only friend!
gOrGon - Actually, that's probably about the way he would've put it...
Mepps: me luv gOrGon!