Stitch - Things the Rangers did after the series #9443: The Fox News "Where are they now?" segment...
Chip: Sure, life after the show hasn't always been easy. After we got cancelled, Dale and me kinda went through a rough patch... but, y'know, we got through it, and today we're back on our feet and doing great. Right, Dale?
Mole204 - This week's winner of the "Best Match to Chip's Mood" award...
Chip: I've stolen Monty's throne made of cheese, made Dale into a total goof and convinced Gadget to marry me for no concrete reason. It's amazing what you can come up with if you take a day off!
Ray Jones - Things the Rangers did after the series #3423: The very ill-timed "Comeback" announcement...
Chip: The reporters are coming up the tree right now! Nothing can go wrong this time!
Mullet Man - Things the Rangers did after the series #5433: The unaired Klondike Bar Commercial...
CHIP: What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?
bock's car 509 - Things the Rangers did after the series #6634: Dale's haphazard attempt to topple Barney from the children's show ranks...
Chip: I tell ya folks, that big purple doofus got nothin' on Dale
Cobra Reviewer - Holy Mixed Up Pic, Batman...
Chip: You know, Batman never had to put up with partners like this...
lotacats - I think P.T. Barnum said something like that once...
Chip: Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
KS - Could someone check the contents of that drink he had with her...
Chip: No, Dale. No amount of idiocy is going to ruin my mood today, I've got a date with the greatest gal in the world... [sighs] Margo Haggs.
Karl - The scary thing is, he's probably right...
CHIP: That'd do for local politics, Dale, but to run for Congress you need to stand out from the crowd.
Loneheart - Yep, we knew it all along--he wears contacts, and he's lost them...
Chip: No, Dale, I don't see anything odd about Gadget's new Hawaiian accent and I can't see anything new or unusual about you today either.
pupspals - As I heard it, he used to do this sort of thing all the time...
[practical jokes on the set]
Dale: [muffled] C'mon Chip, let's go get Fat Cat!
Chip: [laughs]
Director (off screen): CUT!!
Someghol(s) - Considering how long it took Chip to figure things out, it wouldn't be pretty...
Chip: He heard Ronnie was going to cast him as Gadget's love interest in C-G, and decided he'd rather dress up like this than damage his brain... go figure.