Stitch - When he's not on duty: Chip the beach bum...
Chip: "*sniff* Ahhhhh. What a perfect day. Hee hee! Y'know, if the rest of the gang ever saw me out here, frolicking on the beach, making sand castles and spashing my toes in the water, I'd never hear the end of it..."
Dale: (offscreen) "...Chip?"
Mole204 - Things the Rangers did after the series #885: Chip tries for another DA series...
Chip: I'm going to the Goof Troop casting call. Do I look dopey enough yet?
Karl - Things the Rangers did after the series #5233: The attempted "Green Acres" revival...
Chip: Detective work was fun, but y'know? I always wanted to be a farmer.
AQD Robert - This week's winner of the "Typical Guy Who Won't Look at a Map" award...
Chip: (out of breath) Yes, it's the Sonoran Desert, guys -- only 500 miles to the beach!
Mullet Man - Hmm...this could explain why he doesn't complain about Gadget's cooking...
CHIP: I love the smell of napalm in the morning...
SomeGhol(s) - Chip meets Stitch (no, the one in the Disney movie)...
Chip: Shhhhh! Look stupid and don't talk! It's still digesting my fedora; quick, take the shovel and thimble and beat it to death before it gets to my ears!
Obi-Wan Maplewood - And he says Monty rambles...
CHIP: Now, this is how Sherluck Jones dressed up in "The Case of the Crooked Crustacean." Now, in that case Sherluck...
SOMEONE (offscreen): (thinking) Do I really want to know?
CD - Oh, you just HAD to go and give Chris more ideas, didn't you...
(Untold Ranger Tales 17)
Chip: Okay, so now we still need to pair up Midge, Clarice, Canina, Cassandra and K. Sera. We're short on males currently so we'll see what we can dig up for you all.
pupspals - Don't worry--they hypnotized Eisner back. That's why he left. But I understand Chip did keep the hat and shovel...
Chip: [hypnotised] Yes... I told Mr. Eisner that we would give up our movie rights in exchange for this neat hat & digging equipment....
The JAM - Time for some Gatorade...
Chip: Heat exhaustion? WHAT heat exhaustion? I'm perfectly fine with this jacket and this 100 degree heat....
bock's car 509 - Demerol is a narcotic analgesic that relieves pain. Demerol may be habit forming. Consult with your local physician before taking Demerol...
Chip: When are you going to give me the moral, Gadget?
Gadget, offscreen: I said "Demerol" you twit!
The Shadow Nose - You know, someone's just likely to use this...
Elroy: Aloha, I'm Chips evil Hawaiian counterpart, Elroy.
KS - Ah, that would explain a lot...
Casting Director: He's perfect! That's just the dipstick we need to play Chip in "Gadget in Chains: The Movie"!
JPesterfield - Of course, burying acorns on the beach is sort of missing the point as well...
Chip: I told Dale waiting until spring to dig up the fall acorns was missing the point.
JMC - And once again, Tennessee Williams rolls over in his grave...