Sparky: ... & now you know why Disneyland brought an abrupt end to the much hated "Light Magic" parade that replaced the main st. electrical parade....
bock's car 509 - It's the "again" part that really makes you feel bad for him...
Sparky: Not again, now I'm gonna feel lightheaded all night.
Stitch - Ah, that does explain a lot...
Sparky: Brain... frying... cognitive functions... decreasing... almost ready to write script for... next 'Pocahontas' sequel...
AQD Robert - And now, this week's award for "Most Accurate Character Portrayal in a Caption"...
Sparky: And, Mole says to Wart...oops -- that was last week's caption.
Jeff Parkes - Back to the Ranger Future...
Sparky: Who needs lightning? I'll give you the 1.21 gigawatts you need to get back to good ol' 2015, Dale McFly! Great Scott!
CD - You know, he ruins more computers that way...
Sparky: I can't stand the Blue Screen of Death! Kill Gates! Destroy Microsoft!
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Maybe Sparky should've gone up against the Emperor...
SPARKY: Look, the landspeeder's engines are starting up! See, Force lightning *can* be used for non-Dark Side purposes! Now, could you please take the lightsaber away from my face, Mr. Katarn?
KYLE KATARN (off-screen): I still don't believe you...
KS - That is, unless he WAS the Emperor...
Emperor Spartatine: Now, young Ranger, feel the full power of the Dark Side of the Force!
The JAM - But where's Battle Cat? Oh maybe that's Mepps...
Loneheart - He takes RISK (the game) so seriously...
Sparky: World domination shall be MINE!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!
lotacats - The thing that surprises me is that one of Dale's teeth has a filling in it...
Sparky: Let's see....directions to create electricity..."On a cold dry day, scuff
feet along a carpet, then reach hand into Dales mouth and touch
one of his dental fillings."
SomeGhol(s) - Someone should tell him a DeLorean is involved in that...
Sparky- I,d-d-d-didn't make it to Eighty-Eight miles an hour!
Alltracavenger - Beware evildoers, the Coil of Courage is upon you...
Sparky: By your powers combined... I am Captain Tesla!
Mole204 - Jolt Cola has nothing on this...
Sparky: Now THAT'S coffee!
The Shadow Nose - What a guy will do to catch a lady's attention...
Sparky: If my theory is correct, the electic stimuli will either promote muscle growth and turn me into a hulking musclemouse with SUPER electric powers or just make me burst into flames. Either way, it's sure to catch Gadgets attention.
Karl - Stand back, citizens. This one looks nasty...
Sparky: Oh, it's ON now! You want a forum flame-war? I'll GIVE you a flame-war!