Week 139 Winner - CD
Stitch - Fate is often cruel...
Bric: Don't worry, you'll like it at the Fleeblebroxian Intergalactic Zoo! You can have all the erkburgle ice cream you want, your own zero-gravity hot tub, a nice bed of Neptunian straw to sleep on... oh, yes, and our captive breeding program has even selected a mate for you! A lovely female of your species, right from the same park where we caught you. Calls herself 'Chip'. She's kind of cranky, actually, but we're sure things will calm down once you two are all settled into your love nest.
Ronnie Rabbit - Things the Rangers Did After the Series #5523: Obscure Game Shows...
Bric: Aaaand here's our next contestant on Gleebing for Flibnuts! Dale Oakmont is an adorable forest creature from Earth - say hello to the live studio audience, Dale!
KS - Things the Rangers did after the show #8664: The lean years...
Gadget (in costume): Golly, Dale, I know you've been depressed since the show was cancelled but we need help paying the bills! If you want I can get you a job as a walk-around at Creep-E-Land Miniature Golf.
Rachel - Now we know who paid 'em off to snatch him...
Bric: Oh, don't worry--I'm sure Chip will take good care of Gadget back on earth!
Loneheart - Yep, I knew it...
Bric: …so about the time I mentioned that the most intelligent creature on Earth would be taken back to Feebrilbrox for a 600 year study, your friend Chip pointed me in your direction.
AQD Robert - Actually, he wanted to play a trick on Foxy and have her think she had a twin sister...
Bric: Why, Dale, do you want me to shapeshift into the female terran chiropterid, Foxglove? If you act like Chip did when I shifted into that squirrel Tammy, I will vaporize you! You nasty Terran mammals have only ONE thing on your mind.
Loki - Forget Lilo and Stitch, it's Dale and Bric!
Bric: Yeah, it's tough being Experiment #001. That darn 626 guy gets all the attention!
bock's car 509 - Well, you've got to admit he has a point...
Bric: This is where we would normally erase your memory. But hey, who are we kiddin'? Who's gonna believe YOU?
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Wow, that's deep...
Bric (SET, GOU'ALD SYSTEM LORD): With Jack O'Neil, Teal'c and all their Tauri buddings running around, I think we've got a better chance of conquering Earth if we sneak in as cute cartoon aliens. What do you think, Tefnut? Tefnut?
DALE (thinking): Just great - it's *Chip* who's our "Stargate" geek...
Mullet Man - Rescue Rangers, back by Intergalactic Demand...
Gadget (offscreen): Golly Dale, I think it sees you!
Dale: Yipe!
Bric: STARS!
Karl - If I knew for sure which one it was, my comeback would be really funny...
It works! Great! OK Gadget, ready to turn me back into a chipmunk?