Week 138 Winner - Rachel
KS - When the Rangers knew the show was over #432: The "new" animation team...
Gadget: I'm worried, Chip. I can't feel anything below my neck!
Chip: I know. Our bodies and heads are being animated separately... the napkins are to hide the separation lines.
Ronnie Rabbit - From behind the scenes of Rescue Rangers: The Movie...
GADGET: Yes, I get the 'Lone Rescue Rangers' joke, but do I HAVE to be a rootin-tootin cowboy in the movie Disney finally put together for us?
CHIP: It was this or you had to play the plucky schoolmarm - be thankful and saddle up.
Loneheart - Things the Rangers did after the series #5532: Robbing the Greater Disney Bank...
Gadget: Chip I really hate it since the series got cancelled but do we have to?
Chip: We have to pay the rent somehow. Now pull up your mask to cover your face, don't say please or thank you and leave the demands to me.
lotacats - Things the Rangers did after the show #6643: Chip's eating binge...
Gadget: That's some order you gave. I thought you were trying to get into shape.
Chip: I am. The shape I've selected is a triangle.
Winston - And after all the trouble she went to...
Gadget: Golly Chip, what's wrong?
Chip: Gadget, all those physics calculations you did proving how quickly the boiling water kills the lobsters to try and convince me that they won't really feel any pain somehow only made me feel MORE sorry for them.
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Methinks someone's not exactly C+G in the house...
Gadget: Willikers, Chip! This the LAST blind double-dinner date I'm going out on. How COULD Dale?
Chip: (gulp) Yeah, you dating Bud the Python, and me dating Canina... Teaches US to let DALE make dinner arrangements!
Mole204 - Oy vey, what a day...
Gadget: Why are we here again?
Chip: Tammy passed her home ec class, Monty's out sick, and they stopped delivering pizza to the park fountain.
Fish - Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to ask...
Gadget: Uh, you're wearing that nursing snuggly a little high around the neck...
Chip: Oops. I'll bet that's not even half the problem when you think about it. (I need sleep.)
Mullet Man - Finally, the secret's out. Chip fantasizes that he's Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane...
GADGET: Where were you? Dinner is cold because of you.
CHIP: I was out chasin' the General Lee and the next thing I know, I end up crashing the Rangermobile in the creek.
Obi-Wan Maplewood - The Great Debate is just getting heated up...
Chip: 'C+G is cliché' my furry tail! *gasps* We can't disguise ourselves with these hankerchiefs forever, Gadg. Still, did we lose them?
Gadget: Actually, Chip, I think they're on to us....
Someone: (Offscreen) Do they actually think that they'd be happy together? Quick, we'd better get to writing that Chip+Canina/Gadget+Chirp Sing fic...
bock's car 509 - Besides, Chip would never consent to be married by a priest dressed up as Elvis...
Gadget: Golly, all the dinner dates, the flowers, why didn't you just say "Gadget, let's run off to Vegas"?
Chip: Because I'm obviously being punished for a past life.
Karl - Well, at least they won't have to pay for dental care. But when they hear the words "oh, shoot" it's not going to be pretty...
Gadget: Why did you buy those books on dentistry, anyway?
Chip: I thought Tammy might study them. Unfortunately, I was right.
Greyhound Bus - A cut scene from "Short Order Crooks"...
Gadget: Golly Chip,what's that smell?!
Chip (after cuttin loose some major wind): *groans* The aftermath of Monty's cheese suprise...
JMC - One of the classic blunders: never challenge anyone named Kobayashi to a hot dog eating contest...
Gadget: Golly, Chip! Are you okay?
Chip: Colors!! So.... many.... colors!!!
Gadget: Why did you ever challenge Kobayashi to a hot dog eating contest?
Chip: You mean.... you're... not... impressed? (Buuuurrrrrrrrpppppp!!!!)