Week 137 Winner - Karl
bock's car 509 - From a canceled scene for "Good Times, Bat Times"...I understand Dale really fought to keep this one in...
Dale: Bud, remember when you called Foxy an Airhead? It's payback time.
Ronnie Rabbit - Now you know /why/ the scene got cut...
DALE (offscreen): I can't beeelieve those Politically Correct censors cut this scene out! I only perforated him a /little/...! Now, this next slide...
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Thing the Rangers did after the series #2343: The Ballistics Commercial...
Dale: And with the ability to fire rounds ranging from popcorn kernel to chestnut, you won't have to worry about ammo compatibility problems when operating the HM89 machine gun. Hackwrench & Maplewood: Because in a world of compromise, some rodents don't!
Loneheart - A scene from the unaired episode, "RamDale Returns: First Munk"...
Dale: People say that I *always* lose when I fight with Chip... WHELL NOT ANYMORE!!!!!
CD - A second excerpt from the "RamDale Returns"...
Dale: The comic store is closed down. All my chocolate has molten in the sun. But you, Chip, I can do something about you!
Mullet Man - The new Dirty Harry--well, at least he's hairy and often dirty...
DALE: I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick tail ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.
Sturch - Forget the Punisher...
Dale: This is a declaration so there will be no misunderstanding. Bullys, evil cats, and people who pull those tags off matresses. They will come to know me well. Dale is dead, he died with the show. Call me Ramdale.
SomeGhol - Somehow, I think Loneheart had best accelerate toward the ending of his story. It seems to be affecting people...
Dale: Gadget angst makes me ANGRY!
The JAM - Be afraid, terrorists. Be very afraid...
Dale: Sleep with one eye open, Osama, cuz me and Joe Sturch are out to get you!!
Jeff Parkes - Why does everyone think...oh yeah, forget I asked...
Dale: With this gun I can crush all my enemies, and then run for the governor of California! Vote Dale!
JMC - Well, that got the building cleared post haste...
Dale: Say hello to my leettle friend!
pupspals - Some jokes are better than others...
Dale: Knock knock!
Bonkers: (OS) Who's there?
Dale: You shouldn't have bumped our show!
Bonkers: (OS - opening door) "Shouldn't have bumped your show" who?