Week 134 Winner - Stitch

Young Ned: Thanks everyone, for welcoming the oldest cast member of the Ranger series. We've waited 13 years for a DVD, and by crackey we'll wait them whippernsnappers out!

bock's car 509 - Originally, Young Ned was scheduled to play the role of Jolly Rogers. Then this happened in rehearsal...

Ned: Arrr......(Line please)
Director: Arrr, cleave him to the brisket!
Ned: Arrr, weave him to the basket!
Director: CUT!

Jeff Parkes - Things the Rangers did after the show was over #5432: The Starvation Diet...

MONTY: Crikey! Bein' laid off has been pretty hard. It's been ten years since I've had a decent piece of cheese, and look what's happened!

SomeGhol - RangerCon, 2039...

Young Ned: Aye, I was there! It was a terrible battle! But in the end the Anti's and the Pros couldn't over come each other and withdrew to fight another day.

Cobra Reviewer - This week's winner for the "No, we REALLY don't want to know" award...

Ned: I finally remember where I left my pants!

Ronnie Rabbit - Obviously that picture of Gadget's dad had some touching-up done to it...

GEEGAW: ...arr, and in ought-one I started talkin' like a pirate! But ever since me plane went down in '89, Gadget, me luvvrly daughter...I knew you'd be findin' me! The thought of ye kept me SANE!!

CD - Venice dried up and its gondaliers with it...

Ned: (off-key) La Bella Italy! *cough* *cough* *cough* This choir hasn't been the same since the majority of us died. Somehow we're not atractive anymore.

KS - But thank goodness someone's doing something about it...

Gentle female voice-over: It is not just the canals in Venice that are going dry, the gondoliers themselves are shriveling up into dried-out husks of their former selves. So please, for all those like young Ned here, give all the water that you can.

Mullet Man - Ah, when the wooly mammoth mice ran through the verdant green...

NED: Welcome to Jurassic Park!

Obi-Wan Maplewood - Ending up an aged mouse on a kids' show 15 years in the past. Yep, those Mayans are tricky...

Ned: No, really, I *am* Captain Jack Sparrow. It's just that, well, ... if you thought *Aztec* gold was cursed, you should really see what happens when you try to nab some of the *Mayan* stuff...

Karl - Obviously, Ned saw that bit about the guy selling ad space on his forehead...

Ned: Aye, th' show be long since passed an' how's an old mouse to make a living but by selling ad space on his tail?

lotacats - Greyhound Bus, I think you're in trouble...

Ned: Ha! Ha! Ha! I'm the new bus driver!

The Shadow Nose - Well, we always knew this could happen...

Finally, the madness stops.
Gadget Clone # 8752x 10^897: Hi! I'm Gadget clone number Ten billion nine hundred seventy three million two hundr... Aw, forget it just call me "Ned".