Stitch - Disadvantages to living in the same house with Gadget #14: Snoring fits...
Monty: Crikey... I can't take it anymore... like a chainsaw in my ears... goin' dingbat... how can one little blonde mouse snore so flippin' LOUD?...
bock's car 509 - Disadvantages to living in the same house with Gadget #12: Late night inventing binges...
::Crash from Gadget's workshop::
Monty: A long night for Gadget means a Lonnng day for the rest of us, and me with Bloomin' insomnia.
Karl - Disadvantages to living in the same house with Gadget #8: Valentine's Day...
Monty: I'm glad you're comfy in me pillowcase, lass, but isn't there a better way to avoid the boys?
KS - Disadvantages to living in the same house with Gadget #6: The explosions...
Monty: Can never sleep with Gadget in her workshop... I know, I just know as soon as I nod off- BOOM!
Jeff Parkes - Disadvantages to living in the same house with Gadget #1: That immortal phrase...
Monty:Gadget said this hammock should work with no problems. I haven't slept a wink since...
The Shadow Nose - Did you ever get that feeling...
Monty: Uh oh, I think somebody's writing a fanfic about me...
CD - Wouldn't you know, he invested all his money in cheese futures...
Monty: Cheese prices up 50%, Limburgher in short suply, Rocquefort sold out, wharehouses and stores no longer buying Swiss cheese. Why do they keep the embargo in place?
pupspals - Monty's dream: To be a Klingon mouse...
Monty: If I tilt my head just right I can see the living room TV without anyone knowing Dale's not the only Trekie here!
JPesterfield - It could explain that bit of trivia, true...
Monty: My name's gonna be in a title...bad things happen to Rangers with their name in the title.