Loneheart - Another chipmunk unclear on the concept...
Dale: Gotcha! You know for a moment there I wasn't sure I'd be able to catch you without jumping all the way out of the Rangerplane.
Gadget: Uh, Dale...
Dale: Say that church down there is getting bigger really fast. Do you suppose it's inflateable?
pupspals - Mission Improbable...
DALE: So if I can drop you past the sensors then you'll reprogram Toon Disney to have a Ranger marathon, right?
MegaDale - This week's winner of the "Question That Will Get You Slapped When Gadget Reaches the Top" award...
Dale:So Gadget, would now be a good time to ask how much you weigh? I've always been curious.
Mole204 - Things the Rangers did after the show #5234: Dale become an e-bay junkie...
Dale: If I could find a twenty year old limited run pair of 3-d glasses, what makes you think that I wouldn't have the connections to find a set of black market overalls?
Karl - Now he tells her...
Dale: Say, Gadget? Couldn't you just knock the acorns down with a stick?
Stitch - Yet another case of train of thought derailment...
Dale: And then Dirk Suave caught the damsel, like so, and saved her from plunging off the cliff! Then he simply rappelled down using his secret cufflink grappling hook...um, gee...I don't actually have one of those. But it was really cool!
CD - Let me tell you 'bout...
Dale: This might be a weird moment to ask, but what's all this stuff about 'the birds and the bees' about?
Obi-Wan Maplewood - And so the Eternal Triangle keeps rolling like sands through the hour glass of General Hospital on the Edge of Tomorrow...
DALE: So, has Foxy broken up with Chip yet?
GADGET: Sadly, no. Help me up so I don't have to be holding your hand anymore- I wouldn't want Chip to get any ideas about me, you know.
bock's car 509 - If there's one thing that's consistent about Gadget's inventions...
Dale: I think the ejection system needs a bit more tweaking.
KS - From Dale's eccentric book of ideas: Crazy Climbing (obscure arcade game reference parody)...
Dale: [demented laughter]
Gadget: Great. Dale's lost his last few marbles and I'm trusting him not to drop me.