SomeGhol - Monty honestly thought the sign said, "Tour de Fromage" (that's cheese in French)...
Monty: This is the LONGEST bloomin' bike ride I've ever been on! Good thing those nice chaps sold me that extra set of wheels that looked just like the old ones...
Stitch - Things the Rangers did after the series #6632: Pizza delivery...
Monty: Here y'go, pally, one super-large pie with mushroom, sausage, and extra peanut butter. That'll be six acorns... er, wot? Where's the cheese? Ahhh... er... actually that'll be three acorns. Heh heh. I mean two. One? Aw, forget it, just keep the flippin' thing.
AQD Robert - Beware the eerily spunky guy...
Monty: That's the last time I make fun of Richard Simmons! He slaps hard!
Obi-Wan Maplewood - I think Monty's about to learn the meaning of the world "eviction"...
I know it's you and Chipper's weddin' night and all, Gadget-luv, but you *did* dynamite to smithereens the door to me kitchen, and turnabout *is* fair play...
MegaDale - The low side of addiction...
Monty: The things I do for a wedge of brie 86' nowadays, sheesh.