Week 124 Winner - Stitch
Loneheart - I see Dale's found out about capitalism. He's also found out the meaning of the term "fugitive"...
Dale: I found Chip's epic poem "Ode to Gadget" and sold it to a newspaper along with Gadget's Secret Diary. The bags under my eyes? Nah, my conscience is fine, I just can't shake this darn jet-lag...
Jeff Parkes - Guess they caught up to him for those sales...
Off-screen judge: ...and five other counts of causing public disturbances. Do you have anything to say before we pronounce sentence?
Dale: Uh...can't you guys take a joke?
Karl - That's right--he took Lahwhinie to the drive-in this time...
Dale: When you stop laughing, Chip, try to figure out WHY Gadget is suddenly interested in make-up...?
AQD Robert - Another night owl overestimates his abilities...
Dale: Sheesh! Thought I was gonna be nice to Gadget -- and I said, 'Gee, that theory on optimizing NVIS antennas sounds really cool, Gadget. Tell me all about it. I've got all night...
Chip Chap - Seems someone didn't like being called a Hawaiian Hobo...
Have you seen this chipmunk?
If so contact the Rescue Rangers in the biggest Oak in Central Park
Answers the the names Dale, Dummy, Rudolph, Little Pally, Cute Stuff, Dim Dome, Hey you, and Neon Nose.
KS - Hmm...was that Pike's Peak? The Grammar Police strike again...
Dale: I caught a peak of Chip and Tammy's mom making out... the nightmares still haven't stopped.
CD - Remember guys, always respect a lady's privacy. Particularly a lady who keeps mace, brass knuckles and a stun gun handy...
Dale: Alright Clarice, I get the point. Entering your dressing room without knocking is hazardous to my health. Stop hitting me!
SomeGhol - Ever wonder what happens when you come to the Cafe in the middle of the night and no one's around? Well...
Dale: What are you doing here this time of night? Cafe's closed folks.
Sabrina - Looks like the "Oops. Reflex." reaction returns...
Dale: Whoa!! Love really hurts when you don't play nice with Gadget.
Dumpster Side - Someone really should've told Dale that Tammy was into Kung-Fu...
Dale: Note to self: Never make a move on Tammy unless you are Chip.
MegaDale - Well, at least we know who will have set the traps this time...
Dale: You try playing survival horror video games 20 hours straight and see how well you look the next day.
pupspals - Nope, that's just the effect of being around Disney for about 60 years or so...
Dale: Are you loosing your mind when you start understanding what Donald's saying???
Mole204 - Yoda: Begun the Theme Park War has...
Dale: Attention! Your attention, please! A newsfax has this moment arrived from the Malabar front. Our corporate lawers in SoCal have won a glorious victory, with the employees union again siding with us rather then be replaced by animatronic can-can dancers. You are ordered to take heart. The sun will rise again and Park admission will be increased to cover that cost. Due to production disputes, the
size of the chocolate yougert cones that we offer for sale on Main Street will be downgraded from grande to large. Mr Eisner will draw the Pink Slip Lotto as soon as he returns from the relabeling ceremony at the Cell-production Animation Studio. We stand at Condition Latte. That is all.