Loneheart - Things the Rangers did after the show #4553: Slapstick comedy...
Gadget: Okay, here's one Dale showed me earlier - Zipper, pull my finger...
Karl - Behind the scenes with the Rangers: Gadget's Gigglefest...
Gadget: It's just too funny! That hat - and your ears - Do it again, Chip!
pupspals - Pinky: Egad, me and Gadget! We can make chess pieces out of linguini and sell them to wood-poor countries as relief material...
Gadget: ...then Pinky gave me a tour of the place. I loved it so much. I'm quitting the rangers to be a lab mouse at Acme Labs!
AQD Robert - Dale: Uh, is that like a nickname for Drake's dog?...
Gadget: G+C? G+D? G+M? G+Z? Do you guys understand the term 'platonic'?
JPesterfield - The day Gadget decided not to pursue dentistry...
Gadget: Ok, Zip...start right after me..everyone....Row, Row, Row Your Boat....Geeennnnntly Dooowwwnnnnn The Streeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................
Stitch - Gadget gets her major in Relational Communication...
Gadget: So now all my thesis needs is a title. What do you think of: 'Chip & Dale - A Comprehensive Analysis of 10,000 Romantic Overtures and Why They Failed'? Or maybe, 'The Hat and the Hawaiian Shirt: Why Total Slobs and Anal-Retentive Control Freaks Rarely Get Dates With Me'? Or how about...
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Another victim of the seduction of knowledge...
Gadget: Great news, guys! While my feet are still crushed by this book, all the feeling's gone out of them, so I'm not feeling the pain any more!
MegaDale - I chose this one for pure shock value...
Gadget:Hehehee, Ok who's playing footsies with me? You guys know I'm ticklish!
Dale - Hey, where's the book signing going to be!?!
Gadget: It's my new book - "Living with the Rangers, Gadget's story!" I thought I'd better show it you guys first before the press arrive.
KS - Physics humor is so esoteric, but in the right groups...
Gadget: ... and he finished with 'Y²' so I shouted 'Y not?' You guys having as much fun at this physics symposium as I am?
Sabrina - A sure sign that Lahwhinie's disguised herself as Gadget again...
Gadget: Hahahahahahahahahahaha! I'm the luckiest mouse on earth!!