Week 119 Winner - Stitch
Chip Chap - He's persistent, but stupid ;-)...
The first annual meeting of the "No Bonkers Allowed" Club
Darkwing: For the last time, Bonkers! YOU CAN'T JOIN OUR CLUB!
Chip: Though, you have to admit, he's persistant.
Cobra Reviewer - This week's winner for the "Scariest Thought" award...
Chip: A duck with a Shatner Complex. Great, now all we need is Goose with a Hasselhoff obsession and we can have a singing duo.
N'droo - When the Rangers knew the show was over #313: moved to the oldest studio on the lot...
DW: I'm the terror that flaps in the night!....
Chip: Whoops, wrong door guys. I forgot we're filming in studio 4 today..
The J.A.M. - The DarkWing Duck Movie, 30 minutes into it...
Chip: This is a boring movie...
The Smiling Bandit - The DarkWing Duck movie, 2 hours into it...
Darkwing Duck: AHA! These footprints here are not only tracking mud from a greenhouse, but they also have the unique outline of one of my most fiendish foes... Dr. Bushroot!
Chip: Geez, does he go on like this for the WHOLE movie??
CD - The DarkWing Duck movie, 2 hours 30 minutes into it...
DW: Who put itching powder in my clothes? GOSALYN!
Chip: Poor girl, still so young. Should we tell the duck we're the ones to blame before he grounds her for life?
Karl - Considering his track record, I wouldn't go within a mile of the DarkWing Coaster...
DW: whirr..pop..I-AM-THE *click* TERROR-THAT-FLAPS-IN-THE *crackle* NIGHT...
Chip: "Gadget, I think they've changed your Go-Coaster ride a little."
pupspals - Ducks of a feather...
DW: Now, to avenge Donald Duck!
Chip: Uh, there's something Dale & I didn't tell you about our past...
Loneheart - I wonder who's on trial...
Darkwing Duck: I object!
Chip: I don't know if I want to be part of a jury at a trial where even the Prosecutor wears a mask...
SomeGhol - DarkWing on RR? Could've been interesting...
DarkWing: Ha! No one can stop me now! The earth will quake! Cities will crumble! And the Voice of DarkWing shall be heard throughout...!
Chip: Sorry DW, but you're just not what we're looking for in a villain. Next!
Sabrina - Well, technically it was St. Canard...leave it to DW to blow his lines...
Darkwing Duck: I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the mastermind of all counter-crime that will never sleep until justice is restored to all of Duckberg. I am Darkwing Duck!!
Chip: Oh, great. here we go again with this pathetic heroic show.
Obi-Wan Maplewood - You forgot best-dressed...
Darkwing Duck: Behold, it is I, the most scrupulously animated, best-looking, sexiest animated toon in the land, the greatest...
Chip: (To the other Rangers) OK gang, when he realizes we're drawn in sharper detail than he is, we run for it...
MegaDale - Just so long as Launchpad isn't offering free plane rides to Rangerphiles...
DW: Those traitors! Launchpad is now the president of the RescueRanger fan club and Gozyln's become their merchandising agent!
Chip:Well it wasn't my idea but the fans seem to think we're a hit.