Karl - Oh dear--someone was finally foolish enough to sing "It's a Small World" to her...
Gadget: No, really - we can make this work. Once I've fixed the gigantico gun, everything will be just fine... I hope.
wetskunk - Another sign they knew the show was over--mouse envy...
Gadget: Let me get this straight. Minnie's hunting me down with a wiffle bat because of Mickey's new screensaver?
Mole204 - Come see the home of CHIPPER and the rescue rangers...50 cents per person...
Gadget: Wow. Tammy put up a billboard across from her house.
Stitch - Heh--even the Rangers weren't sure half the time...
Gadget: So is this New York or San Francisco, anyway? I forget.
AQD Robert - Stitch pretends he's a dog? Oh, you mean the *other* one ;-)...
Gadget: Golly, Snakebit! You can't be walking around the park like that. Someone's gonna see you. Pretend you are a dog. Works for Stitch!
MegaDale - Ah, so that's it...
Gadget: Yeah I know this hair color is hard to distinguish from time to time but believe it or not I'm actually a redhead in a dye job.
CD - When they knew the show was over, indicator #17...
Gadget: You're saying this park and the city have to make place for hundred more acres of forest? But we live and work here Mr. Eisner, what is to become of us?
Sabrina - The one thing she forgot to invent: a compass...
Gadget: Golly, I wonder where our Rescue Rangers Headquarters is located in this fancy garden with nothing, but greenish trees and grass.
Loneheart - Obviously, a few bugs to be worked out yet...or it could be the dating service's programmer was a Rangerphile...
Gadget: So, Computer Date, say their software wasn't set up to notice when height was given in inches instead of feet? Hold your mobile down here, I want to ask them about species.
Ronnie Rabbit - I see I'm going to have to carry a wallet-sized copy of the diploma...
GADGET: Golly, Mr. Indy sir, I still can't believe I'm talking to a REAL doctor! ...no, really, I can't. Can I see some sort of hard evidence?
The J.A.M. - Of course, we could ask where Foxy's been, but that would take all the fun out of it...
Gadget: Sorry, what was that, Foxy---? FOXY!! You're back!!"
pupspals - Of course, she's dreaming. But it could explain why she never goes much anywhere on foot...
Gadget: *gasp* *gasp* I'll never outrun this group of obsessive fans!
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Ah, good old #57...
Gadget: Didn't you see Caption #57, fanboy! I *don't* *date* *humans*. Oh, you were looking for Tammy, weren't you?
Danbole Ronin - Must've been the day she decided to ad-lib her lines and then forgot she was ad-libbing...