Chip Chap - Yet another too late confession...he'd better hope that blast is for real...
0.005 seconds before the blast:
Chip: I want you to know that I love you, Tammy. You're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. And now that Dale has proven himself capable of leading the Rescue Rangers, I think its time for us to look into more important matters...
Tammy: You mean?
Chip: Yes, as soon as the others get back from disarming that nuclear bomb, I want them to know that...
Sabrina - Score 8.4 on the brownie point scale...I would've gone 8.5 but you didn't use the word "immortal" before movie star...
Tammy: My word! It's Indiana Chip, the movie star!!
MegaDale - RIMSHOT...8.2 on the brownie point scale...
Tammy: I think we need our Tv repaired, this one is making Harrison Ford look all fuzzy.
AQD Robert - Let the rumor mill grind away...
Tammy: Chip? It's only YOU? With all that dramatic backlighting, I thought you would be someone interesting, like Mole...
Dumpster Side - Oboy--romance-related rumor number two...
Tammy: I'm right over here my cute little red-nosed chipmunk... just make sure you don't tell Chip about us... Oh!! Chip! It's you!
CD - Of course, it could also be Gadget's xenon camera, but we won't tell her that...
Tammy: I knew you could be blinded with love but I never thought it actually hurt your eyes.
JPesterfield - Tammy, the Crushinator...
Tammy: Target acquired, initiate crush.
KS - I think it's her idea of Heaven...
Tammy: Tell me to come towards the light. *Pleeease* tell me to come towards the light!
Karl - The question then of course is, what's she trying to remove marshmallows from...
Tammy: ..and Gadget's working on an electric-arc marshmallow remover - Oh, there it goes again!
Stitch - Who knew Tammy was a realist...
Tammy: Day and night, I yearn for fate to deliver me into the arms of a tall, rugged, handsome stranger... ah, heck with it, I'll settle for short and fuzzy.
Loneheart - Sometimes I think it's best being a little ignorant of things...
Tammy: Golly, the sun does shine out of his -
Chip: I'm standing with the sunrise behind me. That's all, okay?
The J.A.M. - I think you've been practicing for the school play a little too much there, Tammy...
Tammy: Eek! It's the Ghost of Christmas Past!
pupspals - I sense trouble, no matter what his answer...
Tammy: Why are your eyes crossed, Chip? Are you staring at my zit?!
Rachel - Oh well, someone was bound to say it...
Tammy: Wow . . . does he realize he's not wearing pants?
Lotacats - Hey, someone else here knows Academese!
thinking:(You keep that stupid look on your face and just listen to anything, don't you???)
Mole204 - Hey, he's a small-time hero. He's got to try to impress someone...
Tammy: Now you're overdoing the whole heroic-entrance thing. We're just going out for ice cream.