Week 115 Winner - Rachel
Mole204 - Another sign the series was doomed...
Gadget: Demoted to a sea anemone in the Little Mermaid show. I shouldn't have been caught with that WB keyring during the entry-gate purse check.
Chris Silva - Even Mark Twain didn't think anyone would believe this...
Great, great, great grandmother Hackwrench: Golly, that fence painting machine I built for Tom Sawyer should have worked with no problems!
KS - This week's winner of the "Surest Sign that Gadget's Mixed Up the STP and the Coffee Again" award...
Gadget: I don't care what the writer's bible says, this goo *is* an anti-gravity device and I *will* soar like a bird!
Chip Chap - Well, at least we know she tried...
Gadget (in spooky voice): Mr. Eisner... I am the ghost of cartoons past... Well, maybe not the ghost OF them exactly. I'm more of a ghostly messenger here to speak to you on behalf of all all the characters that got put out of work when their series got canned... maybe not all of them, but at least a few of them... I mean some of my friends got tired of hanging around fan-sites and I decided to get dressed up like this...
Sabrina - Well, that *is* better than her effort with Eisner...
Gadget: Faaaaattttt Caaaaaaatttt! I am the ghost of the haunted Rescue Rangers Headquarters. You and your goons must get out or I will summon my Rescue Ranger ghosts to spoooooooook yoooooooou!!!!!
Obi-Wan Maplewood - A shot from the never-shown "Dale Splats Gadget" episode, parodied on Bugs' similar torturing of Daffy...
GADGET: Okay, who let Dale play with the animators' Photoshop tools again?
Loneheart - Ah yes, Elmer got to be the tormenter in one of those too...
Gadget: DALE! At least when Elmer Fudd drew Bugs, you could still tell it was Bugs!
MegaDale - Actually, she knew the munks were going to try to hug her and she prepared a "slick" getaway ;-)...
Gadget:Well this skin moisterizer should do the trick but I can never figure out how much to put on.
pupspals - Animators, such a sensitive lot...
Gadget: Note to self: Don't criticize the animator for coloring my hair differently in every episode...
Rennod - That wouldn't happen to be the Renew-U formula by chance...
GADGET: No, it's not excessive! How much cold cream do you think it takes to stay looking so young and beautiful at my age?
Karl - What we've got here is...failure to c'mun-i-cate...
Gadget: What? You said you wanted me to jump out of a cake at this party, right?!