Week 114 Winner - Stitch
pupspals - Don't worry, Gadget. The natives just get restless from time to time...
Chip: How many times do you have to tell them it wasn't your fault the Cafe went down?!
Gadget: At least one more...
Chip Chap - Another sign they knew the series was about to end...
Chip: Gah! No I will not tell everyone to experience the magic of Walt Disney World and save 10% on airfare anywhere in the U.S. while enjoying a relaxful weekend at Hotel Disn... Ahh!
Gadget: Please Mr. Eisner have mercy! We're cartoon characters, not salesmen!
Karl - This week's winner of the "Contests Never to Enter" award...
Chip: OK Dale, you WON! The burping contest is OVER!
Gadget: Nausea increasing... Ears too big. Hearing - every - bubble...
AQD Robert - This week's winner of the "You Know It's About to Get Ugly" award...
Chip: Don't get up just yet, Gadget...
Gadget: Uh, oh. We have a problem. Seems like Mushu incinerated Dale's comic book collection in that last blast.
Loneheart - Things the Rangers did after the series #6534: The canceled Donald Duck/Chip 'n Dale reunion special. I heard they canceled it when Donald tried out a new brand of shampoo which was actually one of Gadget's experimental concoctions she'd carried to the set in a shampoo bottle. It wasn't pretty after that...
Chip: Duck and Cover, Duck and Cover...
Gadget: Uh, Chip, I think the Duck in question just picked up the cover and discovered our hiding place.
CD - CLOWN! Sorry, Animaniacs moment there...
Chip: *groan* It's Bobo the clown! The nemesis of any young child.
Gadget: If his pants 'accidently' drop down again I'm going to throw up.
JPesterfield - Gadget: Note to self, never let Dale use the workshop after watching "The Rocketeer"...
Chip: You let Dale use the workshop?!
Gadget: Rocket pack good, lack of control bad.
Mole204 - You're still quite welcome around here, Mole204. The comment was in reference to the caption only. Speaking of which, this one's this week's winner for "The Number Three Thing Not to Teach Dale" award...
Chip: Why did you think it was a good idea to teach Dale to make fireworks?
Gadget: It was better then his "ping pong with rocks" idea!
Sabrina - Hmm...they don't exactly have an instant return policy from there last I heard...
Chip: Gadget, what have you done to Nimnul's lab?
Gadget: I accidentally set the lab to self-destruct. I hope that we won't be in Heaven for long.
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Oh well, Julie's acquired another unwitting slave...
Me: (Off-screen) No, no really. OK, ok, Rennod's "book of Ranger love" made me think that there was a similarity between the C+G Rangerphile faction's situation and that of Gondor...*pant, pant*... no, no, it's not that similar a comparison... but, still, I mean, Gondor's seen better days, hasn't it?... no, no, Gondor rocks... and, um, your brother's cool ... must I comment on your dad ... oh, please say that sword's not magic...
Chip: Told him not to "say something Boromir-esque" when he made that comment, but nooo...
Gadget: I knew the Law of Ironic Convenience(TM) didn't apply to Numenoreans... By the way, you *were* listening when I told you that, right?
The J.A.M - Somehow, Gadget putting the word "the" before "nuclear blast" concerns me most...
Chip: Are you sure 'duck and cover' is going to work?
Gadget: With no problems!! I even read that the government sent out those instructions as well! We should be safe from the nuclear blast now!
Greyhound Bus - Looks like we've got a competitor for the Bullet Train...
Gadget: it should have worked with no problems!! maybe i over calibrated the boost pressure output on my new twin turbocharger power-up pack on greyhound's engine.....
MegaDale - The end for Mojo Jojo came when Dale, thinking the simian's name was cool, kept repeating it to his face until it drove him insane...
Chip: Ok let me get this straight, you ended up making...
Gadget: A batch of chemical X yes, and your worst fears are confirmed, Dale drank it thinking it was black cherry cola.
Lotacats - Well, look at it this way. Now the Rangers really will have that basement--a very, very deep one...
Chip: What was that last thing you said?
Gadget: I said...."First the acid then the water......"