Week 108 Winner - Stitch
pupspals - Oooo, you scwewy chipmunks! Hey, it could happen...
Chip: I don't care, Dale! How hard is it to pronounce "Kill the Wabbit" correctly?! We'd be wescue wangers then!
Monty: It's your fault for letting him watch that Chuck Jones Marathon last night.
Mole204 - Someone should explain to Dale that the purpose of a disguise is to blend in...
MONTY: Cheer up, this'll be great! We need another would tour.
CHIP: But why does it have to be on-the-run from the mob?
KS - Ah, once again true love escapes the fedora-clad munk (I liked Captain Rednose too, btw)...
Monty: Did ya' really think burstin' in on her wedding like that was going to convince Ms Squirrel you were meant for each other?
Chip: I don't want to talk about that, let's talk about Dale's stupid hat instead.
Rennod - After the turn of the cen-tur-y, in the clear blue skies over Ger-ma-ny...
MONTY: That was nice of ya, Chippah, to let 'im try it once more.
CHIP: Just so long as he doesn't get us shot down by that crazy mutt in his flying doghouse again...
Loneheart - This week's winner of the "It Better Be Obvious" award ;-)...
Chip: How come Gadget is letting Dale fly the Ranger Plane?
Monty: I hate to be the one to tell ya, Chipper, but it's because he wore that costume for her last night.
(To a fancy dress party, obviously)
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Had to look the context of this one up--thought he was talking about Bret or Bart Maverick. The echo resounds across the generation gap...
MONTY: C'omn, mate, ya know Dale doesn't always get things straight the first time... or three...
CHIP: Yes, Dale, I know, Nathan Algren and Maverick look alike. That doesn't mean the two are the same, however...
CD - Chip the Viking. Well, think about it...
Monty: Come on Chipper, you know it would look good on you
Chip: Don't you start as well Monterey. Or you'll find out who committed the murder we're investigating
Evil Rabbit - Maybe the Viking Prince?
Monty: Who is he supposed to be agian?
Chip: I don't know, but this is it! No more casual fridays!
Cyber Daimyo - Hmm...we've already got one Loki in the group. I wonder if Dale's thinking about--hey, make sure to keep all hammers out of his reach!
Monterey: Hey, Chip, how come that Dale gets to fly the Ranger Wing?
Chip: Maybe he wants to become a Viking God.
Mowog - Wonder if he flew with Orville or Wilbur...and of course, sometime he probably flew with Bernard and Bianca, but that's another story--or ten...
Monterey: ... funny feeling I got; reminds me of that time I flew Albatross Air...
Chip-- Not yet it doesn't, but give it time, I'm sure.
The Shadow Nose - Ah, a narrative caption. I'd take B, personally...
...And now, for $1,000,000:
What is Chip upset about?
A. That Dale is flying the Rangerwing without properly gripping the wheel?
B. That Dale is dressed up as the Norse god of thunder while they are investigating a downed powerline?
C. That Zipper is the one ordering their take-out at the drivethrough and he just KNOWS he'll get everything wrong.
D. The last bad guy they caught was... ugh, 'ideologically motivated'.
MegaDale - Sometimes ejection seats really are a good add-on...
Monty: Say Chip,what's this button here for,and what does E.E.S. mean?
Chip: Emergency ejection system, and I have a feeling we'll be needing it before this flight is over.