Stitch - Now you know why Dale doesn't own credit cards...
Chip: Put the phone down, Dale.
Dale: But if we act now we get not only the TurboDeluxe Salad Spinner at half price but also twelve boxes of gourmet seasoned croutons (a $21 value) at no additional charge!
JPesterfield - Yep, I believe it could happen...
Chip: The Brightness knob doesn't work like that!
Dale: It does so! I can feel myself getting smarter already.
Chris Silva - Will Indy triumph? Tune in next week and see...
Dale: Oh boy, it's my favorite tv show "Acorn Cafe!"
Chip: Oh great, more Indy angst.
Karl - Actually, that would concern me, too...
Chip: Why am I enjoying this? That worries me.
Dale: Dance dance revolution ROCKS!
Jazz - And I bet you thought he was born that way...
Chip: So how do I get a nose like yours?
Dale: You just pick the colour like so and away we go!
MegaDale - Remote withdrawals...
Chip:Your getting your getting colder...oh now your getting ice cold now.
Dale:Oooo why did you have to go and hide the remote on me just cuz I like to channel surf once in a while!
Cyber Daimyo - Heroes in a halfshell...Turtle Power!
Chip: Hey, Dale, what are you so happy about?
Dale: It's about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and it's coming on right now!