Week 104 Winner - Karl
Mole204 - I wonder just who it was he thought he *was* kidnapping...
Gadget: Nimnul accidentaily kidnapped Rainbow Brite, somehow. Then Bink got locked in the same cage and, well, unpleasentness happened.
CD - I think she means for *this* week...
Gadget: I swear this is the last time I'll cause a black-out!
KS - This week's winner of the "Caught in One of Dale's Dreams" award...
Gadget: *Sigh* I knew it, we're in a crossover with "Invasion of the Neptune Men"... Suppository men, perogies of death, the Hitler building, the Japanese clown tree... I'm gonna take a nap, wake me when it's over.
MegaDale - A between-scenes pic from the unaired RR episode, "Broadcast Hues" ...
Gadget: Looks like Disney went and made some cutbacks in the coloring department.
wetskunk - The day the Rangers discovered the other side of the celluloid...
Gadget: I guess the new power washer I made really CAN remove all paint from anything, sorry guys.
lotacats - An earthen dam maybe, but those hydro-electric ones are simply too time consuming to build...
Gadget: Frankly, Chip. I don't give a hydro-electric dam.
Dumpster Side - Ah, so that's why we never saw it in stores...
Gadget: I can explain. I fell into a batch of Gray KooKoo Kola.
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Some mistakes you can only make once--unless you're Gadget...
GADGET: Note to self- next time, be sure to remain inside the spaceship when slingshotting around the sun...
Cyber Daimyo - Ah, the power of bill collectors...
Gadget: Hi, guys, it's your old friend, Gadget. Well, we'll be stuck in this black and white world unless we pay our TV bills...
Slade - This one was lost on me--but maybe that was a good thing...
Gadget: Now, I will get Chip back for pushing me into that well!
Gadget: Seven days..................
(A nod to "the ring")