Week 103 Winner - Jazz
Stitch - Oboy--I sense a run on reproduction Civil War uniforms...
Zipper: Dale has his science fiction movies, Chip has his detective books, Monty has his cheese...and Gadget has her Southern gothic romance novels.
Gadget: Why, Colonel Beauregard, your uniform is so manly! Ah'm just ovah-come with passion...
MegaDale - Things the Rangers did after the show #738: The day they realized they should've read the *small*, small print...
Gadget: Oh my gosh it's horrible, it's terrible, it's...
Zipper: The smallest residual check ever made out to us by Disney.
Wauregan - Things the Rangers did after the show #4916: Ranger Reality Television...
Zipper: Was that SUPPOSED to happen?
Gadget: Omigosh! But...it SHOULD HAVE WORKED! Chip! Dale! Monty! Are you all right?
Chip (off-screen): *groans* I hope someone at least videotaped this for "When Inventions Attack!"
Cyber Daimyo - This week's winner of the "Lost in Translation" award...
Gadget: OH NO! It's Fat Cat in his Zaku Mobile Suit!
Zipper: I can't believe that Fat Cat and his goons are Gundam fanatics!
Chip Chap - Yet another series-ending theory: The week that the boys "reverted"...
Gadget: Golly, if we don't get Pluto back before Mickey gets home our show could get CANCELED!
Zipper: *Gasp* And my big break was schedualed for next week!
Karl - Sometimes, real-life experiences with science are hazardous to your health. And when Gadget's involved...
Gadget: See? I yell, and my voice is reflected from that wave as an echo!
Zipper: It's still a tsunami, let's GO Gadget!
KS - Whoops, guess they was wrong...
Zipper: That's no tidal wave, it's...
CD - When a guy named "Stonebreaker" is the offended party, it ain't gonna be pretty...
Gadget: Chip, Flora! I...Ohmygosh! I didn't know that...You two are...!
Zipper: Steve's not gonna like this.
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Approximately 10.7 seconds before Dale started screaming uncontrollably--then realized his wife would never chide him for wearing Hawaiian shirts...
GADGET: But Dale, Lawhinie *promised* me that she'd tell you we secretly switched places for "The Untold Ranger Tales!" Heck, I told Chip even before we started dating!
ZIPPER: I see an annulment in the future...
lotacats - The sad thing is, it's entirely possible...
Gadget: What IS your problem!?!
Zipper: It is MY nervous breakdown.
I worked for it.
I earned it.
and NOBODY is going to deprive me of it!!
Mole204 - I felt a great disturbance in the Force, like millions of voices suddenly crying out, "HUH!?!"...
Zipper: The Nerd Horde is attacking! How are we going to stop them?
Gadget: Luke, I am your daughter!
Greyhound Bus - Sometimes, it's all about perspective...
Gadget: AAHHH a mold-infested triple cheese sandwich!!
Zipper: It is?!