::Stan Blather comes out on stage, carrying his professional-looking microphone, and stops at the podium as another Golden Acorn is placed there::

Stan: Good evening. As a leading source of world information for television viewers everywhere, I’ve been asked to present this evening’s “Most Informative Website” award. To be informative means to present ideas not only clearly but also in a manner that captures the imagination of the audience. To make the title of most informative, these stellar descriptors must be carried out on a grand scale. And now, let us view the nominees:


::The big screen shows freeze frames taken of various websites::

- Indy's Ranger Museum

- The Russian CDRR Portal


Stan: The envelope please…


::Stan opens the envelope, clears his throat, and addresses the audience again::

Stan: And this year’s most informative website is…wait, it’s a tie! Yes, both nominees have won!


::Indy gets up, shaking hands with those in the audience near him, and heads back to the stage::

Indy: Wow, didn’t expect to be up here again this fast! To be mentioned in the same breath as the Portal is a real honor, because it’s a top-notch website. The Museum is something I’m really pleased with—I sensed the need to preserve the history surrounding the fandom, and what better than an online museum dedicated to the Rangers? I have to share part of the credit with Julie Bihn, Kat Mollet, and all the early Rangerphiles whose material is included as part of the retrospect.


::The audience applauds as Julie and Kat get up and wave when the spotlight focuses on them::


Indy: I hope to keep expanding the Museum to include more and more features that will make it an even better site in the future. Thanks!


::Indy takes his award, nodding and waving to the audience. Gadget comes up on stage next::


Gadget: Sorry folks, but Alex couldn’t be here to accept this award. He says he’s pleased that Rangerphiles everywhere come to the Portal for information, and he’ll do his best to keep that information up-to-date. Thank you!


::The audience claps as Gadget accepts the award on Alex’s behalf::

Stan: Have a good evening everyone. My time’s up, and I thank you for yours.

::Stan leaves, taking his microphone, and begins looking for his cameraman to make sure he got his best angle for the news feature on the awards he’ll report back at the station::