Week 152 Winner - Ray Jones

Monty: Crikey! All I did was tell the lass that she'd have made a good nurse. And what'd she mean about 'so did someone at the Cafe too, but they won't for long'...
The Gnome - He must've finally gotten all talked out...

Monty: Gadget luv? Could you possabley bring that bicycle pump over here?

Greyhound Bus - This week's award for the Most In-Character Caption Comment...

Monty: I learned this move when i traveled with a group of rowby biker Galapagos turtles.......... Its called me shrink n sneak......they'll never see me come'in!

Mullet Man - Given his cheese attacks, it would explain a lot...

Monty: This reminds me of the time I participated in the Philadelphia Experiment!

Loki - Oh now, wouldn't *you* like to know (kudos if you can name the Tex Avery toon that line was used in. Hint: It involved a murder mystery)...

Monty: Who wrote this episode, Tex Avery?

Loneheart - Ding, dong, the mouse is flat. Which old mouse? The Aussie mouse!..

Monty: I'm melting! I'M MELTING! Oh curse you and your little dog too!

KS - He must've been working on reducing his ego...

Monty: See? SEE?! *This* is why I don't like goin' t'see a bloomin' shrink!

lotacats - Things not to buy Monty for his birthday...

Monty: I really, really, really hate birthday sweaters.

Jeff Parkes - Well, they were probably slow to figure it out...

MONTY:. . .and this is how I fooled the Two-Tooth Tortoises of Turtle Island into making me their leader!

Stitch - Things the Rangers did after the series #7212: Gadget goes into home beauty care...

Monty: Word of advice, mates... if Gadget offers to show you her new homemade liposuction machine, you should politely decline.

JeffNindo - Looks like the GG's got a "deflate" setting...

Monty: They just *had* to vote for the Gigantico Gun.....

CD - One of life's great mysteries solved...

Monty: So this is what happens when your unscrew your belly button.

pupspals - Sometimes, virtual reality seems a bit too virtual...

Monty: I don't recommend the new "Anvil Chorus: 3D" at the IMAX!

bock's car 509 - Instance #255 when you don't want to hear "We have a problem"...

Monty: Your skeletal destabilizer works like a charm, Luv. Now change me back.
Gadget, offscreen: Oops, we have a problem!

bock's car 509 - Sometimes, Gadget can be quite short-sighted...

GADGET (offscreen): OK, so you've been modemized with a Bobble Head figure. But look on the bright side. Now you'll be able to have children with... oh, wait, never mind...
MONTY: Thanks for the, uh, 'good' news, Gadget-luv...