::The stage is set for the next award, and Painless Doc Johnson pulls the microphone to him::


Painless: Well, that last acceptance certainly was a surprise of sorts. There've been bigger

surprises, like the time when we found out that Lucy wasn't really Rick's Mother's Former Roomates' Fiancee? And none other than the guy who played the first raffle winner in that one episode of Cheers? That sure surprised me! But there are more surprises, and this could be bigger.


::Painless checks his card for a moment::


Painless: So the next category is Best Dressing in Fan Art! The nominees being in descending order:


1) 'Diamondbacks Gadget', by Julie Bihn, identified as nov2001.gif, at

Julie's site

2) 'Gadget at a Train Station', by Artist

3) 'Gadget Lucia', by Julie Bihn, identified as dec2001.gif, at Julie's 


4) 'gadplant.gif', by Nathan

And last but not least

5) RM13.jpg (Rustic Beauty), by Ruslan


And the winner is...drumroll please!


::The drummer obliges::


Painless: Rustic Beauty, by Ruslan!


::Gadget returns followed by Monty, who volunteered to handle the award-moving this time::


Gadget: Okay, I’ve got his telephoned acceptance speech here somewhere…golly I need to build a mini-rolodex sometime…


::Gadget takes a moment to write down that idea, then locates the note she’s after::


Gadget: Here it is! Ruslan said thanks a bunch for liking his picture, and for giving it an award. Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m freezing my buns off in this airport, so I’m heading for the bus, and…oh wait, I wasn’t supposed to read that part…


::Gadget blushes, to the crowd’s amusement::


Gadget: Uh anyway, he really liked getting this award and all, and—


Monty: Gadget-luv? Give it a rest, less.


::Gadget shrugs and waves to the crowd as Monty totes the award to be shipped to Russia::